Political corruption

Political Corruption, Like Cream, Rises to the Top in North Carolina

Political Corruption, Like Cream, Rises to the Top in North Carolina

Republican political corruption in North Carolina is even worse than you thought, as the Paul Foley episode reveals

10 years ago

Junk Deal: GOP Governor Nathan Deal And The Longest Running Scandal in Georgia’s History

The story of how corruption in the car salvage business spawned a scandal that reaches from Congress to the Georgia…

10 years ago

Lack of Integrity Drives Support for Corrupt Republicans

Dutifully, Republicans have stepped up to meet their base's demand to be corrupt, and dishonest, and it is evident in…

10 years ago

Six House Democrats Call on DOJ to Investigate Texas AG- Greg Abbott’s Dirty Dealings with TEF

So far, Greg Abbott has used his power as Attorney-General of Texas to obstruct the release of documents that would…

10 years ago

Illinois Republicans Stand Behind Candidate Who Confessed to Committing Voter Fraud in 2008 and 2012

Illinois Republicans are stooping particularly low with their support for a candidate who admitted she was registered to vote in…

10 years ago

If Upheld, Evidence Shows That Texas Vote Suppression Law Will Disenfranchise 600,000 Voters

On Monday, a U.S. District Court heard closing arguments in the case that challenges the most militant and vicious vote…

10 years ago

Darrell Issa, John Boehner, Clarence Thomas Lead the Republican Culture of Corruption

The level of political corruption in Republican and conservative ranks has gotten so blatant that they are finally being targeted…

11 years ago

While the Cat’s Away, Your State Government Plays

A new study by Filipe Campante of the Harvard Kennedy School and Quoc-Anh Do of Singapore Management University found that…

12 years ago

An Avalanche of GOP Voter Suppression and Fraud is Threatening the Election

In America, the prospect of free and fair elections is being threatened by an avalanche of reports of voter suppression…

12 years ago

UN Vote Monitors Draw Outrage from the GOP’s Voter Suppression Groups

Conservatives are beside themselves at the idea of foreigners monitoring their voter suppression activities on Election Day

12 years ago

The RNC Needs to Demand Money Back from Scandal Ridden Sproul

If the Republican Party didn't want or expect Sproul to engage in election fraud, they would be demanding that he…

12 years ago