You Are Voting for Democracy or Theocracy in the 2014 Midterms
Jody Hice’s new “Big Idea” is that state-sponsored religion, forbidden by the First Amendment, will put an end to government tyranny.
Jody Hice’s new “Big Idea” is that state-sponsored religion, forbidden by the First Amendment, will put an end to government tyranny.
Lars Larson and C. Edmund Right are pretty sure that kiss persecuted them and worse, that it’s a lot like making it a crime to insult Mohommed. Or putting an NFL franchise out of business for drafting a gay player, I’m sure they’d agree.
LaBarbera says he was “forced and subjected through the media these homosexual acts, the homosexual perversion.”
The kid gloves have come off and these Republicans who cheer for Putin while condemning Obama have shown themselves not only to be hypocrites but to be champions of totalitarian ideology
Peter LaBarbera complains that people are “using Thanksgiving as an opportunity to be ‘thankful for’ developments that are decidedly ungodly”
We’re waiting for God to pull the trigger and bring all his wayward kidlettes home. Janet Mefferd promises he’s close and a good thing too
Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor says if you can refrigerate something (like shellfish) it isn’t an abomination anymore
With growing desperation, the Religious Right tries to stem the liberal tide of toleration, equality, and genuine religious liberty
When West Point hosted its first gay marriage this past weekend, the Religious Right went bananas, talking about moral cliffs and decadence
It’s probably needed but Obama is not going to do it, and why are we even talking about something like blasphemy? It’s so sixteenth century
Homophobes Peter LaBarbera and Judy Meissner like the term aberrosexual but only because of their own aberrochristian religious beliefs