
Please Do Tell, Benham Brothers, Why We Liberals Hate Christmas

Please Do Tell, Benham Brothers, Why We Liberals Hate Christmas

The Benham brothers don't experience reality like the rest of us, so their explanation of why we liberals hate Christmas…

9 years ago

Conservative Heartland Institute “Accuses” Pope of Paganism

The problem for conservatives is not that the Pope made room for Paganism in the Church, but that he refuses…

9 years ago

A Religious Right Heretic Says Interfaith Dialog is Heretical

It is hardly a surprise the Religious Right does not want to talk to those of other religions. After all,…

10 years ago

Kirk Cameron Wants to Steal Halloween and Turn it Into Jesus Day

"You can give them Gospel tracts and tell the story of how every ghost, goblin, witch and demon was trounced…

10 years ago

Kirk Cameron is Saving Christmas from Atheists on November 14

Cameron says, "It's obvious that there is a deliberate attempt to snuff out the holy root that has produced all…

10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Says Sharia Law Preferable to First Amendment

Fischer says, "Just as we screen immigrants for contagious physical diseases, so we need to screen immigrants for contagious cultural…

11 years ago

The Pope Calls Failed Christians Pagans – He is Wrong and This is Why

For the Pope, humility-challenged Christians are Pagans but it was the Church that found Jesus' poverty and humility too radical…

11 years ago

Christmas is a Pagan Holiday – Get Over it Already

If you want to know the reason for the season, you don't have to look back to Christ but past…

11 years ago

John Hagee Says We are a Pagan Nation Without Shame

According to Hagee, "America is becoming a pagan society; we are in a moral free-fall."

11 years ago

While Persecuting Everyone Else, the Religious Right Cries Persecution

Obama administration is the "modern-day equivalent" of ancient Rome, where each citizen is made to worship Caesar with progressivism.

11 years ago

The Republican Version of a Great Idea: For Profit Natural Disasters

If you want to see what privatized relief would look like, think of Walmart. That's the face of Republican disaster…

11 years ago

Religious Right Claims If We Allow Gay Marriage We Are Persecuting Christians

More cries of persecution coming out of the Religious Right: if we allow gay marriage we are persecuting Christians

12 years ago

Conservative Christians Claim They Should be Able to Spew Hate Without Consequence

Conservative Christians want to be able to spew hate and lies but for nobody to have the right to disagree…

12 years ago

Right Wingers Claim Prayer Doomed Manchin-Toomey

You probably didn't know this but gun safety laws are "pagan" and it was prayer that defeated Manchin-Toomey

12 years ago

Grandmother Says She is Persecuted if She is Not Allowed to Convert Grandson

Visiting Grandma should not carry with it the prerequisite of conversion

12 years ago

God Wills It! Things You Will Never Hear an Atheist Say

When Reshad Riddle gunned down his father at Church, he didn't say his act was the will of atheism.

12 years ago

Joseph Farah Says America Needs Ten Commandments – Wants Money

Joseph Farah is putting up 10 Commandment billboards in "Sin City" - Las Vegas - and he wants your dollars…

12 years ago

Ralph Reed Invokes MLK’s Fight for Freedom in Defense of his Fight to Oppress

So Ralph Reed of the misnamed Faith and Freedom Coalition, took exception to my findings yesterday, that the Bible is irrelevant…

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Condemns Interfaith Prayer and Counterfeit Gods

Some have realized that people might be praying to the same god or gods and that mixing it up isn't…

12 years ago

Impeach Obama for Pagan Gun Safety Laws?

According to GOP gun nut Larry Pratt, gun-control policies are Pagan, thus proving Piers Morgan's accusation that he is unbelievably…

12 years ago

Right Wing Insanity Boils Over With Claim Marriage Equality Caused Noah’s Flood

Right wing Pastor Scott Lively hit a new level of crazy even for the far right by claiming that same…

12 years ago

This Holiday Season Do Your Own Thing and Damn the Critics

Conservative Christians despise atheism as being a subjective form of morality, ignoring the history of their own subjective belief system

12 years ago

Why do Fundamentalists Feel the Need to Prove Jesus Was Resurrected?

What happened to belief? Aren't fundamentalists who try to prove the resurrection as bad as the atheists they decry for…

12 years ago

Conservatives Are Dreaming of a ‘White’ Christmas

Conservatives are dreaming of a 'white' Christmas, and that is all Christmas really is to them: a means to an…

12 years ago

Pamela Geller Really, Really Hates Islam, Obama, and the UN

Even when compared to 2012's other conservative ranters and spewers, a sour-faced lot if there ever was one, Muslim-baiter Pamela…

12 years ago

Man Charged with Blasphemy for Pointing out Weeping Jesus Miracle was Plumbing Problem

In India, you can apparently be charged with blasphemy for pointing out that a statue of Jesus is not, in…

12 years ago

Fox News Has a Holiday Wish List but Governor Chafee Can’t Have a Holiday Tree

"All I want for Christmas is to kill it," seems to be the song conservatives think liberals sing each and…

12 years ago

Just in time for Black Friday conservatives revive the War on Christmas

It is that season again - and no, I am not talking about Christmas. I am talking about the War…

12 years ago

Things I am Grateful for in 2012

Even in troubled times, there are a great many things to be grateful for. Here are a few of mine.

12 years ago

Fundamentalists Admit They Prayed for Obama’s Defeat and God Said No

James Dobson determined that Obama's defeat means we are living in a time of judgment and that God can make…

12 years ago

Sorry GOP: We Do Not Need Churches in order to Prosper Economically

Conservatives insist that economic prosperity is impossible without their God but America wil prosper just as well with 20 gods…

12 years ago

If a Straight Man Can Resist Polygamy a Gay Man Can Resist Other Men?

Fundamentalists are forever looking for a working equation to make same-sex attraction unnatural but the only thing unnatural is their…

12 years ago

Can Reality Be Prayed Away? Fundamentalists Say Yes

Harry Jackson said he cursed the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, out of existence. But the Blade is still there.…

12 years ago

Pamela Geller’s New Ad Campaign Calls Muslims Savages

Pamela Geller disengenuously claims she does not hate all Arabs and Muslims despite paraphrasing an Ayn Rand quote which does…

12 years ago

Unfortunately, America is Stuck with These Idiots

I blame the First Amendment. Don't get me wrong: I'm not making excuses for bad behavior by Islamic fundamentalists or…

12 years ago

Florida Family Council-Only Christianity Could Create or Save America

John Stemberger tosses facts aside to claim that only Christianity could create the American experience and only Christianity can save…

12 years ago

Fundamentalist Christianity Is a Collection of Justifications for Hate

Christian Fundamentalism represents less a coherent religion than a collection of excuses and justifications for bigotry and hatred

12 years ago

Dogma and Expediency War for Conservative Christian Hearts and Minds

For years we've been told Obama's Christianity matters but where Romney's Mormonism comes in, will expediency win out over dogma…

12 years ago

Marriage Equality Verdict is In: God is a Whiny Little Bitch

The verdict is in: based on fundamentalist Christian response to the Democratic Party's marriage equality platform, God is a whiny…

12 years ago

The GOP’s Wacky One-Way Religious Freedom (We Got it, You Don’t)

Conservative Christians love to talk about religious freedom, never quite getting that something isn't freedom unless everyone enjoys it

13 years ago

Fear Factor: The Conservative Christian Crusade Against Mormonism

When one scary religion tries to make another sound scary, it's time to step back and take stock of the…

13 years ago

Demythologizing Christianity’s Most Cherished Moment: Nero and the Christians, Part Two

It can't be proven that Nero persecuted Christians because while Rome had a large Jewish population, there is no evidence…

13 years ago

Pastor Who Wants to Kill Gays Should Read his Gay Friendly Bible First

Yet another Evangelical hater wants to kill gays like the Pilgrims did but he might want to stop and read…

13 years ago

Shut Up, Know Your Role, or Die – the GOP’s 2012 Platform

The conservative mind is focused on a sense of privilege and possession of rights nobody else gets to enjoy, whatever…

13 years ago

Demythologizing Christianity’s Most Cherished Moment: Nero and the Christians, Part One

It is always claimed that Christianity has been persecuted ever since Nero but it can be argued that this is…

13 years ago

Obama Has Removed the Last Shred of Divine Covering Over the White House? Really?

Apparently, President Obama has ripped away from imaginary protective layer over the White House for which surface-to-air missiles are no…

13 years ago

Trapped by Religion

Thomas Jefferson once hoped to liberate us from being trapped by beliefs not our own but the GOP has made…

13 years ago

Demonize It! The Fundamentalist Obsession with Demons

Most 21st century Americans deal with the world they see and give no thought to an underlying reality full of…

13 years ago

Satan Ate My Government! The Fundamentalist Addiction to Satan

You get the idea that if we banned the word Satan we'd all be a lot happier but that fundamentalists…

13 years ago

America Faces the Specter of Religious Apartheid

Monotheism is built not just on the rejection but the ejection of the constructed other. If we live in the…

13 years ago

CBN News Claims Media Matters is anti-Christian

In a world where saying "Happy Holidays!" makes you guilty of waging a war on Christmas, telling the truth about…

13 years ago

Catholic Bishop Goes Into Persecution Mode – Claims Obama is Hitler

After spending 1500 years relentlessly persecuting every alternative to itself, the Catholic Church has the audacity to claim it is…

13 years ago

We the People Trumps I am the Lord Thy God

A visit to the National Mall leaves you with the impression that it was "We the People" and not "the…

13 years ago

All In, Balls Out for Easter

Easter isn't just about Jesus but a Heathen fertility goddess named Eostre and the bunnies aren't about resurrection but fertility,…

13 years ago

Sharing the Gospel of Augustus Caesar

For the Roman world, Augustus was a messiah, and the cities were eager to proclaim his "good news" (evangelion) even…

13 years ago

Taliban? Talibangelical? They Both Hate Women

It is no surprise that Talibangelicals can compare women to livestock, as State Rep. Terry England did recently in Georgia.…

13 years ago

Decoding the Genesis Code

There is nothing new or original in Genesis so claiming science proves Genesis has an effect fundamentalists won't tell you:…

13 years ago

The Grim Calculus of Rights of Conscience

The grim calculus of conservatism's so-called rights of conscience is this: I don't believe so you can't... Their religious freedoms…

13 years ago

Obama’s Constitution-friendly Religion

Jeffrey T. Kuhner of the Edmund Burke Institute, who last year accused President Obama of having "black nationalist sympathies" (whatever those…

13 years ago

Fundamentalist Kristi Watts Upset that Atheists Do Not Hate Wiccans

Kristi Watts, Pat Robertson's co-host on the 700 Club wants to know why atheists don't chop down all the trees…

13 years ago

Newt Says He is Running to Save Western Civ from Pagan Culture

Newt claims that marriage equality represents perfectly natural pagan behaviors and are somehow a fundamental violation of our civilization

13 years ago

Occupy the Bible

The Religious Elite like the Wealth Elite wants us to subordinate our interests to their own. We can Occupy the…

13 years ago

Muslims and Pagans Oh My! (A Christofascist Nightmare)

The Tea Partier in question, John Trautman, was criticizing the build of a mosque. He said "are not only our…

14 years ago