Get Ready to Tread on Some Tea Party Snakes
Isaac Asimov wrote that, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” The tea party is bending over backward to prove Asimov right.
Isaac Asimov wrote that, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” The tea party is bending over backward to prove Asimov right.
A Newsday columnist, Lane Filler, recently wrote some truly untrue things about our President and his health care plan. I emailed an answer
it was not Obama who invaded Iraq on a fabricated pretext and with an army designed to fight not an insurgency but World War III.
Republicans have become obsessed not with simply impeaching or imprisoning President Obama, but with killing him. And they are quite open about their desires. We just saw how a pair of former generals have dishonored their uniforms by saying Obama must be forcibly removed from office and how a Christian militia group claimed that Jesus…
What the American people are reminded of with the warmonger’s criticism of diplomatic efforts is that Republicans abhor peace nearly as much as they love killing jobs.
Vallely and Jones want to violate the Constitution so they can call for adherence to the Constitution with strict congressional oversight of all executive actions
There are a bunch of Republicans besides McConnell who, when Bush was president, said they’d never, ever filibuster a nominee.
Only Anglo-Saxons are real Americans but then only if they are carrying around a Semitic book with a later Greek revision added to it?
It is astonishing, but one of their champions used the floor of the House to condemn President Obama for not utilizing Old Testament prophecy as a guiding force for Middle East policy,
Right wing extremists have proclaimed a date a week before Thanksgiving to demand the surrender of President Obama to face charges set out by a citizens’ grand jury.
A number of right-wing states are leaving needy citizens without Medicaid coverage because their legislatures are rejecting expansion.
A lot has been written and broadcast about the National Security Agencies’ surveillance of allies. In fact, the “allies” knew all about it.
The website has been online for 2 weeks. It works, but must be improved. There has been an overload of political and media focus and furor about the problems of the Healthcare.Gov website.
The shutdown Republicans initiated claiming Obamacare is costing Americans too much money, costs more money than Obamacare.
Obama administration is the “modern-day equivalent” of ancient Rome, where each citizen is made to worship Caesar with progressivism.
Republicans using the cover of the crisis to plot against Obama and the country itself, whine “no fair!” when Obama takes notice
Louie Gohmert wants the Obama administration to come clean about non-existent scandals or face being defunded
As the nation remembers the American lives lost at the hands of a terrorist gang, they should take stock of the damage that an incompetent Bush administration caused this country.
It is not hard to know what to think about the U.S. attacking Syria. That’s wrong. And it’s wrong for a number of reasons
Republicans see threat to white privilege in Eric Holder’s announced plans to make Texas obtain federal approval for changes to voting laws
Internet TV show host Stan Solomon indulges in fantasies of a cross-dressing, feminist-dominated Barack Obama
The best way to stop Hillary would be for Republicans to stop their obstructionism and help solve our problems . They’d rather tell lies
On Monday, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), forgot not only President Bush but his fellow ethically-challenged House Republicans, and excoriated President Barack Obama from the House floor.
Some people became upset with Obama’s “Racism is no longer an excuse” speech. Perhaps people gripped by poverty were what made them wince.
Donald Rumsfeld conveniently forgets the past and repeats the GOP’s favorite meme, that Obama has lost credibility and America’s confidence
I wonder if, due to dangerously high levels of delusion, it is time to put the MSM, if not the Fourth Estate as a whole away as a threat to society.
Howard Kurtz read a statement this Sunday from Jonathan Karl, chief White House Correspondent for ABC News, that didn’t make Karl look any better, but in fact only raised more questions.
Benghazi was bigger than Watergate (and apparently, 9/11 as well) but “Seal Team 6-Gate” is bigger even than Benghazi! (and Benghazi was totally the worst scandal ever, right? Well, not so much…).
Rand Paul has gone to staggering lengths to ignore the facts and manufacture others to “prove” Obama is guilty of things that never
After the war criminals Rumsfeld and Cheney criticized Obama, Jon Stewart reminded them of their own grievous misdeeds
In the lead up to the 2012 elections, Republicans were upset that the Obama administration was getting such great press on national security issues, so they demanded an investigation into the leaks.
What Price means by “the governed” is “angry white people” like himself who have sold their souls to the ravenous corporations seeking to replace the federal government
Why the Benghazi hearings? How many votes can you hold, after all, on overturning affordable healthcare, free cancer-screenings and kids lunches
Robert Gates mocked Republicans for their criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of Benghazi, saying they had a ‘cartoonish’ impression of military capabilities.
Republicans are convinced that it makes perfect sense that the wholesale slaughter of 9/11 made Bush a hero but because of four dead, Obama should be impeached.
Some Republicans have conflated the identities of Muslims and Hispanics because they share similar skin color and to make their case that immigration reform is tantamount to inviting terror attacks.
Republicans are enthusiastic about sequester cuts until it affects their wealthy constituents. Then, they throw temper tantrums.
This week, no less than eight former directors of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) signed onto a public letter to two Senators accusing the Obama Administration of abandoning the War on Drugs simply because he has indicated he plans to largely respect the decisions of voters in Colorado and Washington when they legalized marijuana in…
Senate Republicans plan to withhold funding to keep the government running as hostage for a ransom of defunding the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
Pat Robertson thinks there are demons in your underpantsr, so be sure to rebuke them before heading out of the house
John Boehner is trying to lie his way out of trouble after being caught red-handed on the sequester, and if the subject were not so serious, one might pity his peculiar attempt at logic
Conservatives seem completely confused and befuddled by reality, as evidenced by Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber and his recent scree
Speaker Boehner is tired of giving his funders pep talks, and he blames Obama. He says Obama wants to ‘annihilate’ the Republican Party, ‘shove us into the dustbin of history.’
The same people who love Sarah Palin call Obama a dictator. But in 2008, then Gov. Palin stripped the militia of their guns and many powers.
Should we worry about Obama’s white male cabinet appointments? How about we wait and see what his cabinet looks like before we complain
Republicans are threatening to impeach Obama over executive action on gun control, but many presidents have issued executive orders on gun control, including George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
The concept of shutting down the government unless Republicans control the direction and vision of the nation is nothing less than criminal.
There is no conceivable outcome in which GOP opposition to Chuck Hagel ends happily for Republicans
If the Republicans fell all over themselves in 2012 to sound stupid, the Democrats were happy to help them along, as this list demonstrates
Even when compared to 2012’s other conservative ranters and spewers, a sour-faced lot if there ever was one, Muslim-baiter Pamela Geller stands out.
Facts crash into belief where Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system is concerned. How could Obama have paid for it when he hates Israel?
The Republican Party’s doldrums are likely to continue until they acknowledge reality, but there are no signs of that happening soon
Benghazi gate is not going as Republicans planned, and in fact, the failure to gain traction on their narrative is further compelling Republicans to hysterics.
John McCain missed a classified briefing on Benghazi because he was giving TV interviews about his alleged questions about Benghazi.
Darrell Issa (R-CA) has placed several Libyans lives at risk, in the course of investigating the alleged security issues regarding the attacks in Libya.
Mitt Romney is campaigning as not-Obama and in this case at least, he is being entirely honest: he is not Obama
It is time for Israel to prove they ‘treat all with dignity and compassion and strive for peace’ instead of threatening to strike Iran or continue displacing Palestinians.
In a breathtaking revision of history, we are being told that President Bush gave the Middle East ten years of peace
It’s probably needed but Obama is not going to do it, and why are we even talking about something like blasphemy? It’s so sixteenth century
In 2011, House Republicans ignored warnings from conservatives of emboldening terrorists and voted no on authorizing the Libya mission in order to obstruct Obama.
Religious liberty proponents don’t understand that Obama’s policy does not require any man, or woman, to use contraception or to abandon their own religious prohibition against using birth control.
The choice in this election is between a slow, but gaining, political struggle towards better environmental policy or a return to Industrial Era abuses
This morning, Mitt Romney doubled down on his embarrassingly tone deaf and flat out wrong accusations against Obama over the Libya and Egypt embassy attacks.
It’s 9/11, so right on schedule here comes the Republican Party with a story about how Obama has made America less safe. Only this time, the American people aren’t listening.
House Republicans are already threatening to deny disaster relief funding for Hurricane Isaac unless they get more budget cuts.
In a press release of talking points sent to reporters this morning after the Big Announcement, team Ryan Romney drew attention to Ryan’s lack of military service.
Apparently oblivious to hypocrisy, the Romney campaign is offering zero proof but blaming President Obama for Harry Reid’s allegations that Mitt Romney hasn’t paid his taxes.
Today we can celebrate Hopey ordering the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a rule that would prevent hospitals who participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs (the majority of hospitals) from denying visitation privileges to gay and lesbian partners, among other groups who suffer discrimination under the current prevailing policy of “relative-only” visitation.