KeystoneXL Pipeline

Latest TransCanada spill is why President Obama rejected Keystone XL – Updated and Corrected

Latest TransCanada spill is why President Obama rejected Keystone XL – Updated and Corrected

TransCanada delivers what local residents and landowners feared most about the Keystone XL pipeline; oil spills.

9 years ago

Republicans Have Spent 2015 Working For Foreigners, the Kochs, and Religious Extremists

Under Republican control, Congress has not laid any taxes to provide for anything, much less for the general welfare of…

9 years ago

Why Isn’t Boehner Touting China Over America On Climate Change?

Boehner and Republicans are also intent on defeating President Obama's climate change initiatives on myriad fronts such as stripping the…

10 years ago

Republicans’ Rule A Death Sentence For 9 Million Disabled Americans

Republicans have shifted their focus slightly away from just killing Americans' jobs to killing disabled Americans; nearly nine million disabled…

10 years ago

Massive Oil Job Losses Debunk The Lie That Obama Is Hostile To The Oil Industry

As the nation continues its record run of monthly jobs created, the oil industry that complains bitterly the President restricts…

10 years ago

The Republican Passed Keystone Pipeline Bill Violates The Constitution

Every one of the Koch Republicans, and their oily Democratic cohorts, who voted to approve a State Department construction permit…

10 years ago

Time To Prosecute House Speaker John Boehner For Violating Federal Law

Like every common criminal, or once-convicted felon, who continues to escape punishment for violating the law, Boehner continues his unethical,…

10 years ago

Corrupt John Boehner Conspires With Foreigners Against America’s Best Interests

Boehner has enlisted a foreign corporation (TransCanada), the Canadian Prime Minister, and a foreign energy department to put pressure on…

10 years ago

Bold Democrat Mary Landrieu Should Be Truthful About KeystoneXL

It may have been Democrat Howard Dean who said not long ago that if given a choice between voting for…

10 years ago

Corporate Greed Forces First City In California To Run Out Of Water

For several California cities, that corporate greed is finally paying dividends, and not the good kind, leaving them without water.

10 years ago

Mitch McConnell Tries To Undo Everything Obama Has Done With Government Shutdown Threat

If any American thinks the Republicans will not follow through on their shutdown threat, they are deluded because McConnell's own…

10 years ago

Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz Openly Threaten The Country With Economic Catastrophe

Republicans are once again threatening to hold the debt limit hostage in return for a ransom payment that is, beyond…

11 years ago

The Chamber Of Commerce Attacks Obama Because He Won’t Screw You With Trickle-Down

The Chamber of Commerce president gave his state of American business address that was replete with propaganda that the economy…

11 years ago

John Boehner Tells His Biggest Lie Yet By Claiming Obama Obstructed House Jobs Bills

Republicans are riding a three-year job-killing frenzy and still, Boehner has the temerity to claim House Republicans passed several job…

11 years ago

John Boehner Blames President Obama For Three Years of Republican Incompetence

After spending three years killing jobs, sending Americans into poverty, and damaging the economy, Boehner is doing damage control and…

11 years ago

House Republicans Try to Hijack Obama’s Constitutional Authority on Keystone XL

House Republicans have taken another step to relieve President Obama of his constitutional responsibility to approve a permit authorizing construction…

12 years ago

The American People Are Being Punished Because Republicans Refused Pay Their Debts

Americans are being held responsible for Republicans' debt for two unnecessary wars, costly prescription plan, tax cuts for the rich,…

12 years ago

Republican Imposed Budget Cuts Led to Keystone XL Being Deemed Environmentally Sound

The long-awaited State Department report on the environmental impact of building the KeystoneXL pipeline was released and its results are…

12 years ago

Oil Money Drenched Congressmen Send Letter to Obama Demanding Keystone XL Approval

After the president mentioned climate change in his inaugural address, 44 Republicans and 9 Democrats responded by sending a letter…

12 years ago

John Boehner Is Deliberately Killing 3 Million Construction Jobs

Americans should be irate that John Boehner and the House Republicans are deliberately killing 3 million jobs in order to…

13 years ago

Treasonous Republicans Should Stand Trial for Sabotaging the American Economy

The Republicans sabotaging economic recovery should be tried and convicted of treason under Article III, Section 3, where it says…

13 years ago