Josh Barro

Ted Cruz’s “Net Neutrality Is Obamacare For The Internet” Tweet Shows He Understands Neither

Ted Cruz’s “Net Neutrality Is Obamacare For The Internet” Tweet Shows He Understands Neither

On Monday morning, President Obama made a public statement urging the FCC to take strong measures to protect net neutrality.To…

10 years ago

Republican Hypocrites Can’t Hide From the Hypocrisy Behind Their Duck Dynasty Outrage

For Americans with half-a-brain, the conservative hypocrisy is as glaring as the subjects conservatives are certain their older, whiter, and…

11 years ago

Rather Than Turning the Other Cheek, Robertson Fans Want to Slap us for Christmas

But I say to you, do not resist an evil-doer. But If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn…

11 years ago

Welcome to Derpica

You've probably seen the word "derp" floating around lately. You may wonder what it means ... and why we seem…

12 years ago

Was It the Day Mitt Romney Lost the Election? Round Up of Reaction to 47% Mittmockle

Was it the day Romney lost the election? That's one of the reactions to Mitt Romney's 47 percent secret video.

12 years ago