job growth

The Shockingly Stupid Reason “Educated” Women Gave For Voting For Misogynist Trump

The Shockingly Stupid Reason “Educated” Women Gave For Voting For Misogynist Trump

Economic growth, declining deficit, lower taxes, and historical record of job creation means “the country going in the wrong direction."

8 years ago

More Great Obama Economic News Republicans Are Afraid Americans Will Hear

2015 saw "the lowest number of bankruptcy filings for any 12-month period since 2007, and the fifth consecutive calendar year…

9 years ago

Paul Ryan’s ‘Pro-Growth Agenda’ Calls for Giving Your Money to Rich People

Paul Ryan insists he is going to 'fix' things, but since Obama has already done that, he can only mean…

9 years ago

Republicans Are Unhinged and Terrified of Good Economic Reports

Despite their Herculean efforts to bankrupt America though, another report this week revealed the economy is on the mend despite…

10 years ago

The Chamber of Commerce Rewards Scott Walker For Making Wisconsin Last in Job Growth

The Chamber invited Scott Walker to represent 'enterprising states', even though their own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short…

12 years ago

March Can’t Stop Obama From Trouncing Bush In Job Growth

Bottom line is when comparing jobs numbers in the first terms President Obama beats President Bush by approximately 700,000 jobs.

13 years ago

Obama Is Presiding Over The Fastest 6 Month Drop In Unemployment Since 1984

As jobs continue to be added to the economy, President Obama is presiding over the fastest six month decrease in…

13 years ago