The Moron Abroad: Trump Insults Japan By Telling “Samurais” To Shoot Down N. Korea Missiles
Trump has been wondering for months why a “nation of samurais” like Japan didn’t just shoot down North Korean missiles.
Trump has been wondering for months why a “nation of samurais” like Japan didn’t just shoot down North Korean missiles.
The swipe comes after Trump spent the weekend compromising America’s security by turning an unexpected national security challenge into “dinner theater.”
The Charleston massacre surprised some around the world who thought an African American President meant the nation’s days of racism were history
It has been 70 years this year since Japan’s bid to launch what it called the “Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere” came crashing to the ground
In the heated space between two murders, both committed by police officers who were later given a free pass by a grand jury, there were other similar murders, beatings, etc., that were once again recorded by We The People and then circulated for the rest of the world to see.
Oh, how they hate Obama. I mean ‘hate’ with a capital “H.” We’re talking about most of the world’s population. I know this animus to be true because the right wing echo chamber led by wildly overpaid, radical talk show hosts, Fox News, and pollsters tell me so, relentlessly.
On Thursday, thousands of fast food workers across the nation walked out on their shifts to protest the low wages and lack of union representation in their industry.
During a joint press conference with Prime Minister Abe of Japan, CNN embarrassed themselves with a biased question that President Obama dismantled with facts.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade agreement that is really a multi-trillion dollar gift that hands multi-nationals enormous powers
The U.S. has an enormous number of military personnel and weaponry in the U.S. territory of Guam. It’s legit, but are other ‘occupations?’
While the population still grieves over the loss of young lives at Sandy Hook, the NRA and Congress dig in to prevent meaningful curbs on guns.
The imminent threat from Iran that Republicans like to fear monger about has existed since Ronald Reagan, and the surest way to blow up the world is to allow the GOP to bomb Iran.