The Islamic State – Other People’s Business?
Republicans like to blame Obama, but Bush had already created ISIL, and Obama cannot un-create them, because Obama cannot un-invade Iraq
Republicans like to blame Obama, but Bush had already created ISIL, and Obama cannot un-create them, because Obama cannot un-invade Iraq
No American should delude themselves that the current violence raging in Iraq and Syria is anything other than an extreme sectarian war between the two major Islamic sects, or that American military intervention is ever going to bring a cessation to the violence.
What any of the Republicans blaming Obama for pulling American troops out of Iraq in 2011 should remember, is that in October 2008 George W. Bush was president when the Status of Forces Agreement was drafted and ratified by Iraqi lawmakers a month later in November 2008.
During an interview on Morning Joe Friday morning, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) predictably placed the recent flare-up of ethnic violence in Iraq at the President’s feet.