
Beyond Hollywood: Reaching all workplaces with #MeToo

Beyond Hollywood: Reaching all workplaces with #MeToo

In Hollywood and beyond, women are organizing to address sexual harassment in all workplaces, be they schools, hotels, farms, fast…

7 years ago

Anti-Gay Activist Claims Beauty and the Beast Promotes Inter-Species Breeding

"Swanson said the film is promoting inter-species breeding, which he said Hollywood has been pushing since the days of Star…

8 years ago

Historian Mocks Obama For Supposedly Promising to ‘Lower the Seas and Cool the Planet’

Victor Davis Hanson mocks, "He did manage to lecture Americans about the evils of the Crusades, and promise to lower…

8 years ago

Sarandon Would Burn Down America To Start Bernie’s Political Revolution

Susan Sarandon believes Donald Trump will be good for America and political revolution.

9 years ago

California In A “State of Emergency” But Fossil Fuel Industry Says Methane Gas Is Safe

SoCalGas has the temerity to demand that its sick and dislocated customers absorb another rate increase to pay for damage…

9 years ago

Fox Host Calls Jennifer Lawrence an “Idiot” For Telling the Truth About its War on Women

The GOP just went to war against the top-paid actress in Hollywood, the star of the Hunger Games trilogy as…

9 years ago

Trump Reportedly Tells Hollywood Audience We Should Have Invaded Mexico Instead Of Iraq

Donald Trump reportedly told an audience of Hollywood conservatives that the United States should have invaded Mexico instead of Iraq.

10 years ago

Patricia Arquette Calls For Wage Equality During Oscar Acceptance Speech

Patricia Arquette brought down the house during tonight's Academy Awards with a rallying cry for equal wages and rights for…

10 years ago

Glenn Beck Hates Exodus Film For Showing God as Petulant Child, Moses as Terrorist

Beck reveals, like other religious extremists, he hasn't actually read the Bible, criticizes Christian Bale for reading the Torah instead

10 years ago