Mitch McConnell Wants To Rob Pensions To Fund Highway Repairs
As long as the Kochs own Congress, Republicans will propose robbing the elderly to pay for projects that benefit the rich and corporations
As long as the Kochs own Congress, Republicans will propose robbing the elderly to pay for projects that benefit the rich and corporations
Instead of acknowledging that as an austerity-minded Republican his only priority and primary goal for serving in the House cutting infrastructure spending, Ryan warned that Congress is in no way going to “rush to judgment and try doubling the size of government programs” just because some people died in an accident he said was caused by “human error.”
Every time I hear a pundit or a pollster discuss the certainty that Republicans will hold the House or the high probability they will gain control of the Senate I suspect I am having an out-of-body experience.
Apparently, Republicans and their supporters are proud that America’s infrastructure compares unfavorably with most advanced and even some developing nations because in their minds spreading the South’s third world status to the entire nation is a worthy goal.