gun fanatics

GOP Admits Gun Action Isn’t Much, But They Will Wage War For The NRA

GOP Admits Gun Action Isn’t Much, But They Will Wage War For The NRA

Paul Ryan promises to take the President to court to put a stop to his violating orders from the National…

9 years ago

Gun Advocates Are Suing a Texas City For The Right to Terrify Motorists

A Texas city is being sued in federal court for violating the heavily-armed men's 1st Amendment rights to exercise their…

11 years ago

Gun Fanatics Express Their Support For a Mass Murderer’s Second Amendment Rights

It is a common occurrence after a mass shooting for gun zealots to rise up and defend the shooter's right…

11 years ago

Cops Arrest Teen For ‘Terror Threat,’ But Ted Nugent Threatens Obama and Goes Free

Finally law enforcement has acted and arrested an American citizen who faces felony charges for making terrorist threats, but the…

12 years ago

North Carolina GOP Attempts to Violate the Constitution by Proposing an Official State Religion

Republicans in the state's legislature are proposing an official state religion by exempting North Carolina from following the Constitution's separation…

12 years ago