We need to weave a cultural narrative that addresses the fact of the world we are making and helps us…
By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) - The Colorado legislature on Monday passed a "red flag" bill that would allow those…
Unbelievably, more Americans are calling for tougher gun laws now than right after the Sandy Hook massacre.
As gun violence continues to rear its ugly head all across this country, the American people want to see real…
Republicans may continue to live in their NRA-funded bubbles, but it's clear the American people – Democrats, Independents and Republicans…
It's stunning that anybody would be against limiting a device that essentially transforms a firearm into an automatic weapon, but…
While it's good news that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle seem to have found some gun-related legislation they…
More than 80 percent of Americans want to limit firearms access for people with mental illness and require background checks…
That this this school shooting went by without any substantive cries to address our nation’s gun culture and safety laws,…
Trump's presidency, with its emphasis on law and order, is trying to sell us the idea that a repressive society…
Jesse Jackson said what is needed is a plan but Trump has no plan, just a bunch of things he…
Justice has not only been denied to a worthy Supreme Court nominee and the work of the high court. It…
If approved, it would also allow firearms in police stations and airports.
Once again, Hillary Clinton showed that she is in step with the vast majority of Americans while Donald Trump desperately…
If you're a domestic violence offender, the Supreme Court says you don't have a Second Amendment right to a firearm.
During this historic, courageous sit in -- Democrats found not only their spine but the knowledge that they carry moral…
"Forget your asinine gun control, do your job and engage in Islamic terrorist control."
Watch out, because Nugent says the only thing more dangerous than a "sow Grizzly bear with cubs is Ted Nugent…
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has shown unprecedented courage in taking on the gun lobby – a position no…
Ending Roe v Wade, a law that protects women from being discovered would also backfire and end the privacy of…
Nugent posted a photo of prominent Jewish Americans to Facebook with the caption, “So who is really behind gun control?”…
After being hammered by Hillary Clinton for his vote against a bill that would have allowed victims of gun violence…
Ted Nugent claims Obama is trying to kill children by creating gun-free zones but he's the one refusing to keep…
Responsible gun control is a moral issue. Catholics are praising President Obama for taking his announced executive action on gun…
Speaker Ryan was for addressing background check loopholes at gun shows until he was against it. He's against it now,…
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) devastated the Republican argument against keeping the weapons of the hands of criminals…
Senator Feinstein is leading an effort to bar gun sales to people on the Terrorist Watchlist, but the NRA is…
The two men got worked up over armed EPA agents, ignoring of course the threat of armed anti-government conservatives like…
The GOP and Religious Right have been throwing fake Founding Father quotes at us for years. John Oliver hilariously rips…
The Supreme Court could decide as early as Tuesday whether to hear a challenge to Highland Park, Illinois' municipal assault…
Some 2.1 million Australians visit the U.S. annually and the call for boycott is likely motivated as much by self-preservation…
Donald Trump neither read nor understood the Second Amendment but uses it as just an excuse for "law-abiding" folks to…
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continues to champion common sense gun reform on the 2016 campaign trail.
Every American should have the experience of seeing the sheer terror, hear the screams, and watch the bloodletting of innocent…
He didn't shoot an armadillo, but Ted Cruz demonstrates cavalier attitude towards guns that seems both sophomoric and dangerous.
Both Republicans and so-called sovereign citizens are citizens and subject to federal authority. If not, we should rethink deportation laws
There have been 101 school shootings since Newtown. Obama said afteward, "the time is now." It is now well past…
It's the end of an eventful year and the beginning of a new one. I had visions of a fresh…
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a national gun control group that was formed in the wake of…
A Texas city is being sued in federal court for violating the heavily-armed men's 1st Amendment rights to exercise their…
Sponsored by Rep. Rick Jasperse, R-Jasper, House Bill 875 would allow guns to be carried in churches, bars, and even…
The real point of the recall elections of two Democratic Colorado state senators is to scare legislators into never supporting…
As terrible as the verdict is, what's even more disheartening is how Americans in 2013 buy into the media narratives…
Because President Obama used the word gun in his statement about the Zimmerman verdict, Republicans are freaking out and claiming…
Yes, 3D printers are coming to a store near you, and for the low-low price of $1500 or less, and…
The queen of the politics of emotion accuses President Obama of playing the politics of emotion
You probably didn't know this but gun safety laws are "pagan" and it was prayer that defeated Manchin-Toomey
Ted Cruz (R-TX) to boasted to a tea party gathering in Texas that he was a major force in killing…
Ted Nugent's opposition is not necessarily about guns, the Second Amendment, or government oppression, but about an African American sitting…
The fact that polls show the vast majority of Americans want stronger gun laws means absolutely nothing to Republicans, because…
It turns out the"liberal extremists" that Wayne LaPierre warned were pushing background check legislation are 85% of U.S. gun owners.
Why waste time teaching kids how to read when the NRA will fund mandatory programs to teach kids how to…
the NRA, Republicans, and so-called patriots are driving gun fanatics and racists into frenzy by asserting President Obama is on…
It's clear that there will be no effective gun legislation passed as long as the House remains in Republican hands,…
Ted Nugent said that if Barack Obama was re-elected and Mitt Romney did not prevail, then he would either be…
The rising calls for civil or revolutionary war are the result of President Obama's re-election, but with NRA and Republican…
The President punched the NRA in their lobbyist mouth by releasing a photo of Obama skeet shooting.
While Wayne LaPierre was testifying against gun control in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee at least three people in…
There is a contingent of gun fanatics driven by racial prejudice and gun lobby fear mongering who desperately long to…
The NRA is defending people like Richard Schmidt, convicted felon, neo-Nazi and potential terrorist who manage to buy gun weapons…
The current outrage from gun-fanatics that President Obama is sending federal forces to confiscate their precious firearms is a microcosm…
There is a contingent of wealthy libertarians who are actively promoting gun proliferation to transform America into a nation where…
Guns do not kill people. People armed with guns kill people. And people armed with assault rifles have the capability…
Republicans are threatening to impeach Obama over executive action on gun control, but many presidents have issued executive orders on…
The reaction from gun-proliferation addicts over the past week have revealed a deep-seated belief among firearm fanatics that simply talking…
Ya gotta love Gabby Giffords and her remarkable husband Mark Kelly. But on Tuesday they blew it.
Gun owners say that any gun control restricts their 2nd Amendment rights. The result is an elevation of the 2nd…
Now we have this universal outpouring of grief and revulsion and we also have a problem. The known facts about…
The idea that an armed good guy can stop a bad guy is not borne out by reality. Law enforcement…
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre's presser today sounded more like a marketing strategy for the manufacturers on the board of the…
Politicians (a few at least) are making loud gun control noises. They do that every time there's another mass murder.…
If one quarter of the 70 percent who feel the NRA is, on some level, making unreasonable demands can be…
The Florida man who shot a teenager because he felt threatened by the teen's play of loud music is changing…
As I write, we know that the president of the Sikh temple was shot, and a Granthi of the Temple was…
Today, Lipstick Liberal takes on Gun Control as only she can.
Many victims of the Colorado shootings are facing ruinous financial debt due to expensive surgeries and rehabilitation for their wounds.
Congressman Ed Perlmutter, who represents Aurora, was on Face the Nation this morning where he argued that Congress must address…
Republicans from past experience seem to be eager to take away your rights to firearms and shift the blame to…
This article is not a call to disarm; it is a call to sanity and reason, because without discourse on…
The AFA says people died because we've lost our fear of God; more accurately, they died because we insist on…
In the wake of the tragic shootings at the Batman movie, it's time for Americans to have a hard conversation…
Ted Nugent believes we'd be better off if the South had won the Civil War, completely ignoring that states rights…
The Governor of the Wild West state where you don't need a permit to carry a concealed weapon vetoes a…
During her speech in front of the NRA, Sarah Palin threw a little red meat to the crowd by claiming…
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