Donald Trump Calls Bush’s Release of 113 Prisoners a ‘Terrible Decision’ by Obama
Trump tweeted about “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration” but 113 of them were released by President Bush
Trump tweeted about “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration” but 113 of them were released by President Bush
The vote in the Republican-controlled Senate on Monday was an overwhelming bipartisan statement that the President’s 2009 executive order banning torture must be ensconced in permanent law to prevent a Republican administration’s repeat performance in the future.
The Republicans are advocating violating the constitution in their efforts to designate the Boston suspect as an enemy combatant.
POTUS Obama has revived a plan that will cost those who can least afford it, money. Elderly seniors could lose up to $1,000 monthly by 85.
The torture debate is making an encore performance with the buzz around ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, a fictional account of Osama Bin Laden’s capture, based on first-hand accounts reportedly from the CIA.
Michael Salman claims he was holding small bible studies in his home but he built a 2,000 square foot church in his backyard for 80 people
Nothing about Guantanamo Bay is consistent with “protecting who we are.” Ever since GITMO, torture and rendition became accepted policies, and our civil rights have been under constant attack.