Fox News bias

Trump Demands The Media Report The News His Way

Trump Demands The Media Report The News His Way

It is no secret to the American public, that Fox News is Mr. Trump's favorite news outlet, with Fox &…

6 years ago

Hypocrite Fox News Accuses Rachel Maddow Of Bias After Democratic Debate

In the ultimate example of the pot calling the kettle black, Howard Kurtz of Fox News is criticizing MSNBC for…

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Get Even With Fox By Going On Every Other Sunday Show

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders sent a strong message to Fox News by appearing on every other…

9 years ago

Bill O’Reilly Admits that Fox News is Biased Against Liberals

In his column today, Bill O'Reilly did something that every other Fox News personality has refused to do. He admitted…

15 years ago

Paranoia Runs Amok as Fox News Claims that President Obama Controls the Media

Paranoia is black coffee to the right wing, and Fox and Friends provided their viewers their daily dose by claiming…

15 years ago