Financial economics

Irrational Republican Default Truthers Are Determined to Crash The Economy

Irrational Republican Default Truthers Are Determined to Crash The Economy

The arguments of the Republican default truthers fly in the face of rational thought and economic experts who are predicting…

11 years ago

Not Their (De)fault: House Republicans Think Tanking The Economy Will Make It Stronger

A group of House Republicans are arguing that that the nation's credit rating would actually be better if the United…

11 years ago

Obamacare Turns Republicans Against Insurance

Republicans have not proposed a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, and won't, because Obamacare has turned the GOP base…

11 years ago

‘Shared Sacrifice’: Hostess Used Employee Pensions to Fund Itself

While paying millions to its executives, Hostess took the money that was supposed to go into employees' pensions and used…

12 years ago

Reaping the Harvest: Romney Confirms Bain Exists to Kill Jobs

A new video confirms that Bain was never in the business of creating jobs, but rather of pumping companies for…

12 years ago