Fight for 15

Opinion: On Labor Day, Let’s Recognize that Our Market Economy Does Not Properly Value Labor

Opinion: On Labor Day, Let’s Recognize that Our Market Economy Does Not Properly Value Labor

The chief value-driving economic behavior, the U.S. economy itself, is not the meeting of human need, and thus it is…

3 years ago

Sanders and Congressional Democrats to Announce a $15 Minimum Wage Bill Today

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Congressional Democrats will announce a $15 minimum wage bill during a video conference at 11:30…

4 years ago

How a People-Centered Economic Policy Can Prevent the Next Recession

As talk of a looming recession increases in volume, looking back to the Great Recession in 2008 to assess the…

5 years ago

Bernie Sanders Scores A Big Win For 62 Million Americans With $15 Minimum Wage Victory

The $15/hour minimum wage took another step towards becoming a reality after Bernie Sanders won the addition of increase to…

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton Tells Nation’s Largest Strike Of Underpaid Workers They Are Changing America

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has personally given her support to the nation's largest strike of underpaid workers. Clinton told the…

9 years ago

Bernie Sanders To Address Fast Food Workers At Largest Ever Strike For Higher Wages

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will be addressing the largest ever strike of fast food workers who are…

9 years ago

New Report: Taxpayers Subsidize $153.8 Billion In Corporate Profits Due To Low Wages

If American taxpayers realized their largesse was going to those who need it least, highly-profitable corporations, they would likely put…

10 years ago