executive orders

Anxiety, Fear, and Life Itself: The Human Costs Of The Trump Presidency

Anxiety, Fear, and Life Itself: The Human Costs Of The Trump Presidency

Like the financial costs to the taxpayers of this country, these human costs will continue to add up, and for…

8 years ago

Trump’s Pledge To Put America First Is A Distraction For Discrimination

Donald Trump in his inauguration speech promised to put America first, but his rhetoric and policies are doing just the…

8 years ago

Trump’s Politics of Repression Promise to Exacerbate Domestic and Global Problems

Trump's presidency, with its emphasis on law and order, is trying to sell us the idea that a repressive society…

8 years ago

Threat Of Violent Revolution If Anti-Immigration Candidate Donald Trump Is Not Elected In 2016

Larry Klayman is a perpetually angry white man upset about what his pea-brain imagines is "the growing tyranny" of the…

9 years ago

Mike Huckabee Vows To Resist Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling With Executive Orders

Huckabee declared that he would sign executive orders protecting businesses and churches who oppose gay marriage.

10 years ago

House Republicans Plan To Cave To Obama On Immigration Executive Orders

House Republicans have come up with a plan that caves to President Obama. Republicans plan on funding the government through…

10 years ago