
Marjorie Taylor Greene Humiliates Herself By Not Knowing That Ukraine Is In Europe

Marjorie Taylor Greene Humiliates Herself By Not Knowing That Ukraine Is In Europe

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed that people are lying about Putin invading Europe as she didn't know that Ukraine is…

2 years ago

Why Biden Hit a Home Run in His First Foreign Trip

  By accomplishing as much as he did, President Biden made a smart strategic choice and hit a foreign policy…

4 years ago

Trump Just Blamed Europe For The Spread Of Coronavirus In The US

Trump has suspended travel from Europe to the US as he is blaming Europe for the spread of the coronavirus…

5 years ago

The Trump Effect in Action: Dutch Defeat Their Authoritarian Racist Nationalist

The Dutch have provided an example to American voters who will get another chance to say no to their authoritarian…

8 years ago

Rep. Steve King Compares Syrian Refugees to Poisonous Grapes

The Iowa Republican insists treating Syrian refugees with indifference is in keeping with American values

9 years ago

Rupert Murdoch Says Make Exception For “Proven Christian” Refugees

Rupert Murdoch has joined Jeb Bush in wanting only Christian refugees, but upped the ante by demanding they be "proven"…

9 years ago

Cultural Genocide as Right-Wing Answer to Ireland’s Gay Impertinence

St. Patrick drove the Pagan snakes out of Ireland 16 centuries ago. Today, Gordon Klingenschmitt wants to drive the gay…

10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Says Only Satan Could Have Made Megyn Kelly Disagree with Bobby Jindal

Megyn Kelly dared question Bobby Jindal on his Islamophobia, and was promptly accused by Bryan Fischer of being blinded by…

10 years ago

Ben Carson Knows Nothing About Foreign Policy, Unaware Baltic States Part Of NATO

America needs a diplomat on the world stage, not a myopic neurosurgeon whose eyes glaze over when you show him…

10 years ago

Pew Report Details the Sorry State of Religious Tolerance in the World

Pew tells us restrictions on religion were high or very high in 39% of countries and that Muslims are as…

10 years ago

Not Only The Great War But Our Perceptions of it Have Created Our Modern World

The Great War has cast a long shadow and we are living with its effects today, as much from the…

10 years ago

The GOP Wants to Turn America into the Ultimate No-Go Zone

Republicans want to replace the laws of physics and say, "This is how reality works now" but you can't legislate…

10 years ago

Fox News Analyst: All Muslims are Islamist Rapists

Bethany Blankley tells us that Sweden's population but that its "rape crisis" is a direct result of an influx of…

10 years ago

Welcome to the Age of Authoritarianism – Sponsored by the 1 Percent

The 21st century is seeing the spread of the authoritarian principle that far from being the origin of authority, people…

10 years ago

Hypocritical Conservatives Who See Revolt In Ferguson Easily Forget Their Own Actions

As cities across the nation either burn or shut down because of protests, conservatives jump in and express their opinion…

10 years ago

The Texas State Board of Education is Wrong: Moses is Not a Founding Father

Had the Founders heeded Moses, we would never have had a Constitution forbidding religious tests in the first place, or…

10 years ago

Two Days Before Midterms, CNN’s State Of The Union Devotes Entire Show To Republicans

As we head into an extremely important midterm election that will decide who controls the Senate, CNN's State of the…

10 years ago

You Are Voting for Democracy or Theocracy in the 2014 Midterms

Jody Hice's new "Big Idea" is that state-sponsored religion, forbidden by the First Amendment, will put an end to government…

10 years ago

The World Wakes Haggis-Free, But Gay People Walk Among Us

The threat of oil-engorged Scottish armies marching roughshod over Europe and from there across the Atlantic to force a steady…

10 years ago

This Fourth of July America, Our Liberty is Under Siege From Within

We are under siege this July Fourth. We can only resist with our love of liberty, for it is liberty…

11 years ago

While Talking About Right Wing Extremism in Europe, Let’s Not Forget Our Own

The mainstream media loves to talk about right wing extremism in Europe while ignoring our own, who are more a…

11 years ago

Neptune: The Allied Invasion of Europe and the D-Day Landings

Craig L. Symonds' Neptune: The Allied Invasion of Europe and the D-Day Landings, is not a blow-by-blow account of the…

11 years ago

Bryan Fischer Lies About the Bible and Slavery

When Fischer says the Bible forbids stealing people and enslaving them, he is lying. Not only does it not forbid…

11 years ago

Wealthy Libertarians Are Driving Poverty, Unemployment, and Anti-Government Discontent

Wealthy libertarians using austerity to create conditions driving high unemployment, poverty, anti-government discontent, and misplaced anger to further their own…

11 years ago

The Founders Did Not Establish Congress as a Church Council

Only Anglo-Saxons are real Americans but then only if they are carrying around a Semitic book with a later Greek…

11 years ago

John Hagee Says We are a Pagan Nation Without Shame

According to Hagee, "America is becoming a pagan society; we are in a moral free-fall."

11 years ago

Ted Cruz Ignorantly Compares Obamacare Foes to Nazi Appeasers

Ted Cruz, not content to show America he does not understand Dr. Seuss, showed us he understands neither facts nor…

11 years ago

Are We Losing Our Religion and Does it Matter?

Gallup reported recently that 77 percent of Americans believe "religion is losing its influence on American life."

12 years ago

Austerity Isn’t Working So Republicans Call for More Economic Failure

Republicans however, being true conservatives, are pushing for more austerity in spite of the devastation it is causing in both…

12 years ago

Republican Economic Ignorance Is Pushing America Off The Austerity Cliff

For the past two years under Republican rule, America relinquished its leadership position to Europe and became a devotee of…

12 years ago

Pamela Geller Really, Really Hates Islam, Obama, and the UN

Even when compared to 2012's other conservative ranters and spewers, a sour-faced lot if there ever was one, Muslim-baiter Pamela…

12 years ago

The Sons and Daughters of Liberty: Anonymous

So who are these people that they call Anonymous? Who are these new patriots who don't carry a rifle and…

12 years ago

Failure to Teach Christianity in Public Schools is Mental Molestation

Fundies claim failure to teach Christianity in public schools is mental molestation - say it ought to be punished like…

12 years ago

The GOP’s Blatant Support for Theocracy

The GOP has surrendered its platform to the most extremist elements within the Religious Right and offers a candidate who…

12 years ago

Romney and Ryan to Embark on 87 Days of Terror

Mitt Romney is hurting in the polls, has insulted nearly everyone he's met, and now plans to take to the…

12 years ago

The Case against Using Religious Freedom to Block Birth Control Access

As the birth control mandate went into effect this week, religious freedom arguments continue to threaten it. Here's why they're…

13 years ago

A Global May for a World Ripped off by Banksters

In what is being dubbed, hundreds of thousands of anti-austerity protesters in more than 30 countries have retaken public space…

13 years ago