
Sarandon Would Burn Down America To Start Bernie’s Political Revolution

Sarandon Would Burn Down America To Start Bernie’s Political Revolution

Susan Sarandon believes Donald Trump will be good for America and political revolution.

9 years ago

Progressive Hero Elizabeth Warren Under Attack For Supporting Hillary Clinton

In politics it is different than just disappearing when there is hardship; the fair weather supporter becomes an enemy; something…

9 years ago

Two Respected Liberal Journalists Issue An Important Warning To Democrats

As no small number of pundits, reporters, and opinion columnists have noted for months, it is just downright dangerous to…

9 years ago

Stop Attacking President Obama For Not Being A Progressive “Purist”

It is troublesome, even for a progressive secular humanist, to see Democrats resort to a Republican ploy of measuring other…

9 years ago

Complacency and EmoProgs Aided Conservatives’ Drive To Rewrite the Constitution

There have been a few articles lately that began appearing last October making a compelling case that while the 2016…

9 years ago

Hillary Rodham Clinton Sounds Like A Realist – Not A Republican

The reality is that when Democrats did have majorities in both houses of Congress they were barely able to pass…

9 years ago

It’s Nearly 2016 – Time For Democrats To Embrace Reality And Be Pragmatic

It is apparent that Democrats are on pace to repeat the electoral debacle of 2010 that allowed conservatives to take…

9 years ago

Republicans Hit a New Low By Making Obama’s Syria Success About Race

What Republicans are really angry about is the Black man in the Oval Office achieved a long-standing American, Middle East,…

11 years ago

As Republicans Make Millions Suffer, the Left’s Ideologues Obsess Over Edward Snowden

There is no doubt the people focusing on the plight of Snowden are sincere, but where is their compassion for…

12 years ago

The Professional Left Is Handing Republicans Precisely What They Want

The professional left is really not different than the right in that they forget their past missteps and repeat them…

12 years ago

The Biggest Fools of All Are the Progressives Who Cheered on Rand Paul

What is curious is the support many on the left have given Rand Paul despite his well-known, and well-publicized, stance…

12 years ago

There Has to Be Room for Dissent Among Obama Supporters

Harsh attacks by liberals on liberals who disagreed with the President's Social Security proposal seem aimed at stifling democratic dissent

12 years ago

As Usual EmoProgs Overreact because they Don’t Understand Negotiating and Governing

There has been no dearth of outrage from EmoProgs who are furious with the president for his third fiscal cliff…

12 years ago

The Forest and the Trees: How Extreme Ideologues Destroy the Left’s Unity

The left needs to coalesce around one goal; defeating Republicans at all costs, but here is already talk of various…

13 years ago