
Bombshell Dropped As Manafort Created An Opening for Russian Interests In Trump Campaign

Bombshell Dropped As Manafort Created An Opening for Russian Interests In Trump Campaign

This seems a lot like an offer of collusion from the Trump campaign chair to a Russian billionaire closely aligned…

7 years ago

Panicked Trump Whines About Hillary Clinton’s Emails As Grand Jury Zeroes In On White House

The president lashed out like a tired third grader during a campaign rally in West Virginia as the investigation into…

8 years ago

FBI Director Comey Slams Critics, Says Decision Not To Prosecute Clinton Was Easy

"I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are - honest, competent, and…

8 years ago

The Media’s Obsession With Hillary Clinton’s Emails Is An Insult To All Voters

This tired attempt to revive these scandals in order to create the illusion of a horse race is not serving…

9 years ago

The Media Owe Hillary Clinton An Apology for Their Bogus Email Scandal

Hillary Clinton apologized for a made up email scandal that was blown way out of proportion by the MSM. Now…

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton Fights Republican Hypocrisy: Bush, Jindal, Walker Also Used Private Email

The Hillary Clinton campaign is calling out Republican hypocrites for making a scandal out of Hillary Clinton's emails when Bobby…

9 years ago

Still Not Sure the Ferguson Police Were Infiltrated with Racism? Here’s the Ugly Proof

Just in case there are folks out there who are still clinging to the hope that the Ferguson police and…

10 years ago

GOP Email Scandal Backfires As Popularity Of Potential Hillary Clinton Presidency Grows

A new CNN/ORC poll found that the number of Americans who say that they would be proud to have Hillary…

10 years ago

Tongue Tied Republicans Redefine ‘Act of Terror’ and Prove Obama Right On Benghazi

As Republicans try to justify their Benghazi email distortions, they use the word 'terrorist' as interchangeable with 'extremist', which only…

12 years ago

Boehner Would Have Had Those Benghazi Emails If He Hadn’t Skipped the Briefing

The emails Republicans have been accusing the White House of not releasing were actually released two months ago, but House…

12 years ago