Economic policy

Millions Of Middle-Class Families Will See Tax Increases Under The Trump Plan

Millions Of Middle-Class Families Will See Tax Increases Under The Trump Plan

Spoiler alert: The richest 1 percent of Americans would benefit most from Trump's proposal.

8 years ago

The Entire World Knows GOP Trickle Down Is Disastrous For Americans And The Economy

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), has finally conducted comprehensive research and reported what every conscious human being on Earth already…

10 years ago

Real Economist Paul Krugman Calls Republican Budget A Trillion Dollar Con Job

Republicans only know one approach to economic policy; the abject failure and scam known as trickle down with a healthy…

10 years ago

House GOP Budget: More Money For War, Repeal Obamacare, Cut Food Stamps and Medicaid

House Republicans have once again shown that they have little regard for the average American family or the typical American…

10 years ago

Media Intentionally Hides Republicans’ Economic Failures And Democrats’ Success

t is true that Republican policies are why Americans are rapidly losing economic ground to the few wealthy elites, but…

10 years ago

Mocking Democrats’ Deficit Concerns, GOP Passes Permanently Unfunded Tax Cuts

Some people may errantly conclude that Republicans, as typical conservatives, are so set in their ways they are naturally unwilling…

10 years ago

Anti-Tax Republican Governors Are Raising Taxes On The Poor and Middle Class

Even though most Republican governors are wary of going all-in on tax cuts for the rich and corporations like trickle-down…

10 years ago

GOP’s First Step To Inflict Kansas Economic Woes On America

There is nothing as evil, mean-spirited, and pathetic as a mature adult who sees firsthand that something is inherently dangerous…

10 years ago

Paul Ryan Plans A CBO Rubber Stamp For Trickle Down Disaster

Paul Ryan is quietly working behind the scenes to make sure the next head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO),…

10 years ago

Here’s More Great Economic News For Democrats To Hammer Republicans With

There has been relative silence on two new economic reports that put a stake in the economic agenda Republicans are…

10 years ago

New Study Finds 14 of The 15 Biggest ‘Moocher States’ Are Republican Controlled

According to a comprehensive study detailing the disparity between red and blue states regarding the level of federal government assistance…

11 years ago

Decent Economic Growth Hides The Increasing Gap Between the Rich and Everyone Else

As long as the wealthy continue benefitting from the President's economic recovery, Republicans will stay the austerity course that continues…

11 years ago

It’s Obvious That Democrats Did All the Compromising on The Budget Agreement

it was fairly clear by the giddy-ass grin on Paul Ryan's face that Senator Murray likely did all the compromising…

11 years ago

It’s Time to Kill the Absurd Notion That Cutting Taxes on the Rich Grows The Economy

Ronald Reagan has been dead for over nine years and it is time to kill his absurd notion that cutting…

11 years ago

Obama Has Put Republicans In a No Win Position With Offer To Cut Corporate Taxes

President Obama is putting Republicans in a no-win position with the public by proposing to cut the corporate tax rate…

11 years ago

Republicans Expect the Elderly, Poor and Unemployed to Pay Off Their Debt

For some reason, only Republicans remember that it was the poor, public sector workers, and retirees who created the country's…

12 years ago

Obama Proven Right as CBO Finds GOP Backed Spending Cuts Don’t Reduce Debt

The CBO reported that the nation's debt is $231 billion less than last year, and they highlighted the fact the…

12 years ago

Paul Ryan Lies In Order to Give The Wealthiest Americans a 15% Tax Cut

Paul Ryan is lying to justify inflicting more pain on the American people for the sheer joy of giving the…

12 years ago

Republican Austerity Cultists Chant Their Spending Cuts Mantra As They Sink the Economy

One can say with confidence that when Republicans find an economic policy that fails, they are duty-bound to repeat it…

12 years ago

Hypocrite Republicans Ignored Decades of Debt Until Obama Became President

Republicans never place a high-priority on spending and the national debt until there is a Democrat in the White House…

12 years ago

Like Magic, Dem Gov. Jerry Brown Fixes California Budget with Tax Hike

Democratic Governor Jerry Brown fixed California's deficit via Prop 30, also known as raising taxes. California no longer has a…

12 years ago

A Cabal of CEOs Try to Bypass the Legislative Process and Impose Their Own Debt Reduction Plan

A cabal of CEOs who are upset about the fiscal cliff deal are proposing that corporate America bypass the legislative…

12 years ago

The Debt Ceiling Pays Off Money That Republicans Already Spent

Federal law requires Congress to authorize the government to borrow any money that is needed to pay for the programs…

12 years ago

Psst Republicans: The Senate Passed The Budget Control Act in August 2011

In spite of the Republican love for bumper sticker slogans, a spending agreement was in the debt ceiling deal. It…

12 years ago

Vindictive Republicans Are Out to Punish Obama and America with Austerity

Republicans are megalomaniacs who will continue punishing the people for re-electing President Obama to raise taxes on the wealthy by…

12 years ago

The Republican Austerity Bomb is the Real Threat to America

Budget negotiation drama is getting more intense as the fiscal cliff or 'austerity bomb' approaches. The stakes for the poor…

12 years ago

The Republican Obsession With Obstructing Obama is Endangering the Country

The GOP's insane obsession with obstructing the President is a danger to economic recovery and 98% of the population.

12 years ago