Early Christianity and Judaism

The Romans Had Them, but There are no Republican Edicts of Toleration

The Romans Had Them, but There are no Republican Edicts of Toleration

Compare this list of Roman edicts of toleration to a current Republican list - oh wait, there isn't one

10 years ago

‘God’s Not Dead’ Star Kevin Sorbo Calls Jews Christ Killers

Kevin Sorbo, in talking about his new film "God's Not Dead" talked to Jerry Newcombe on "Vocal Point" about Mel…

10 years ago

Catholic League Calls Marriage Equality One of the Most Bizarre Ideas in History

Catholic League president Bill Donohue believes some pretty far-out things himself and he may not be the one to talk…

12 years ago

How Christian Myth Overinflates the Religious Right’s Sense of Self Importance

The Fundamentalist Christian sense of self-importance paradoxically makes them essential to civilization, which existed long before the Bible

12 years ago

Let’s Not Give Right Wing Religious Idiots and Hypocrites the Last Laugh

The Religious Right says some laughable things, but there is nothing laughable about their money, power - or influence on…

12 years ago

Biblically Clueless Joseph Farah Attacks the Left’s Biblical Literacy

Joseph Farah just can't wrap his mind around a Christianity that includes its Christ, and attacks Jim Wallis for getting…

12 years ago