Despite the state's economic woes, Governor Jindal has made no plans to cut millions of dollars in subsidies to the…
In his long speech, Robertson warned that America was becoming sick from STDs and that wherever Jesus is missing, murder…
A Religious Right list of 33 Examples of Intolerant Liberalism in 2014 turns out (surprise!) to be examples of conservative…
Apparently, ISIS utilizing America's war tactics caught the attention of Robertson and his Christian theology informs him it is time…
Political pundits are wont to claim Republicans obstruct governance and oppose policies and agendas that benefit the entire nation because…
Republican leaders went all-in for religion, religious liberty, and a very heavy emphasis on god courtesy of Duck Dynasty's resident…
The fact that Duck Dynasty's ratings have plummeted after Phil Robertson's racist and homophobic remarks is the latest piece of…
The Louisiana teacher's logic is that "if evolution was real, it would still be happening: Apes would be turning into…
The First Amendment gives citizens the right to voice their opinion without repercussions, unless that opinion is contrary to Conservative…
By caving in to hate groups A&E has sent a clear message that haters are to be tolerated, but not…
For Americans with half-a-brain, the conservative hypocrisy is as glaring as the subjects conservatives are certain their older, whiter, and…
What Huckabee and the religious right object to is losing what they consider religious freedom to impose their rules on…
Whether or not one is inclined towards intellectual masochism by watching A&E's "Duck Dynasty," the decision to suspend one of…
The Duck Dynasty clan wants the freedom to hate, or they are threatening to cancel their show.
Sarah Palin's defense of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson's racist and homophobic comments demonstrates that former MSNBC host Martin Bashir was…
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