Donald Trump crimes

Trump Is Fighting a Losing Battle and Doesn’t Know He Has Already Lost

Trump Is Fighting a Losing Battle and Doesn’t Know He Has Already Lost

The Associated Press (AP) is reporting this morning about Donald Trump’s new strategy for dealing with the many investigations he…

6 years ago

Expert: Trump Suborned Perjury Many Times Before Cohen

In an article published in The New Republic Wednesday a national security expert says that President Donald Trump committed crimes…

6 years ago

Why the Manafort Plea Deal Could Bring Down Trump and His Family

Yesterday the news came fast and furious about Paul Manafort’s plea deal, against a backdrop of a major hurricane making…

6 years ago

Trump’s Lawyers Are Not Afraid He’ll Lie to Mueller, They’re Afraid He Will Tell the Truth

Donald Trump is between the proverbial rock and a hard place, and his lawyers know it.   For months now…

7 years ago