Department of Housing and Urban Development

Push to boost defense spending puts GOP in budget bind

Push to boost defense spending puts GOP in budget bind

Pressing Pentagon demands in a time of terror threats and Islamic State militants have put newly empowered congressional Republicans in…

10 years ago

Chris Christie Caught With His Hand In the Sandy Relief Fund Cookie Jar

Things just keeping getting worse and worse for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The Department of Housing and Urban Development…

11 years ago

Republican Budget Cuts Are Literally Causing People to Freeze to Death In the Streets

As tragic as the number of Americans freezing to death is, it is the number of Americans who are homeless…

11 years ago

Republicans Are Wearing Driving Millions Into Poverty as a Badge of Honor

One might be inclined to believe politicians would be repulsed that the richest nation in the history of the world…

12 years ago

Louisiana Loses Track of $700 Million, GOP Sen Calls for Federal Oversight

Upon hearing that Louisiana lost track of $700 million dollars of federal money, the first thing a Republican Senator does…

12 years ago

One Woman’s Crisis Shows How Affordable Housing Policy Turns Its Back on the Poor

One woman's tragic story provides a glimpse into the plethora of problems the U.S. faces with a lack of affordable…

12 years ago