Deficit reduction in the United States

John Boehner’s Defense of the GOP Budget is Pure Fiction, if Lies Can be Called Pure

John Boehner’s Defense of the GOP Budget is Pure Fiction, if Lies Can be Called Pure

John Boehner wants you to believe the demands of ideology over demonstrable facts, the same recipe that led us to…

10 years ago

Mocking Democrats’ Deficit Concerns, GOP Passes Permanently Unfunded Tax Cuts

Some people may errantly conclude that Republicans, as typical conservatives, are so set in their ways they are naturally unwilling…

10 years ago

Republicans Proven Wrong As Under Obama The Deficit Falls Below the 40 Year Average

The Treasury Department announced that the 2014 deficit as a percentage of GDP has reached its smallest point since 2007,…

10 years ago

GOP May Refuse To Believe It But CBO Shows That Budget Deficits Continue to Shrink

On Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office released a report discussing the economy and budget. The report showed that the deficit…

11 years ago

Republicans Won’t Admit that Cutting Social Security Is Stealing From the American People

What Republicans, and some Democrats, refuse to tell the American people is that cutting Social Security is stealing from the…

11 years ago

Republicans Expect the Elderly, Poor and Unemployed to Pay Off Their Debt

For some reason, only Republicans remember that it was the poor, public sector workers, and retirees who created the country's…

12 years ago

The American People Are Being Punished Because Republicans Refused Pay Their Debts

Americans are being held responsible for Republicans' debt for two unnecessary wars, costly prescription plan, tax cuts for the rich,…

12 years ago

Senate Republicans Plan to Shut Down the Government Unless Obamacare is Defunded

Senate Republicans plan to withhold funding to keep the government running as hostage for a ransom of defunding the Affordable…

12 years ago

Fitch Ratings Shoots Down Every Republican Talking Point on the Debt Ceiling

Fitch ratings poked a huge hole in Republican talking points by warning that using the debt ceiling as a mechanism…

12 years ago

Hypocrite Republicans Ignored Decades of Debt Until Obama Became President

Republicans never place a high-priority on spending and the national debt until there is a Democrat in the White House…

12 years ago

Sen Graham Exposes Republican Debt Lie by Attacking Social Security

Sen. Graham insisted that we must raise the age for Social Security in order to deal with the debt, but…

12 years ago

The Media Ignores Facts in Order to Push Republican Lies on Fiscal Cliff

The AP is assisting Republicans with their desperate meme that Democrats are to blame for the failure to avert the…

12 years ago

Obama’s Record Destroys the Republicans’ Big Spending Democrat Propaganda

There has been no huge increase in spending under President Obama, and yet Republicans claim he has been on a…

12 years ago

Republicans Are Once Again Trying to Hold The Economy Hostage Over Christmas

This Christmas is shaping up like every other year's end since President Obama has been in office, with Republicans holding…

12 years ago

You Lost Republicans, so Stop Pretending Like Obamacare is On the Table

The latest joke from Republicans was offered up by Eric Cantor who called for Obama to put Obamacare on the…

12 years ago

The Federal Deficit Will Be Cut By 40% By The End Of This Fiscal year

When President Obama took office, the federal deficit was $1.413 trillion dollars. Three years later, at the end of fiscal…

12 years ago