Debt Ceiling

House Democrat Urges His Party To Stop Working With Trump And Start Protecting Dreamers

House Democrat Urges His Party To Stop Working With Trump And Start Protecting Dreamers

Congressman Luis Gutierrez said Democrats shouldn't be negotiating with Trump the day after he rescinded protections for 800,000 young undocumented…

7 years ago

Rand Paul Is Threatening To Block Hurricane Relief Unless Spending Cuts Are Attached

It may be smart politics for a Senator from Kentucky to drone on about spending cuts while thousands of Americans…

7 years ago

Here Is A Blow By Blow Account Of How Trump Got Owned By Democrats On The Debt Ceiling

Trump ignored the recommendations of his own White House and Republican leaders in Congress by quickly agreeing to Democratic demands…

7 years ago

GOP At War With Trump As He Attempts To Use Veterans As Props In Debt Ceiling Vote

While the president complains that members of Congress are turning the debt ceiling debate into "a mess," it is his…

7 years ago

Ben Carson Reveals His Stupidity By Not Knowing How The Budget Or Debt Ceiling Work

2016 Republican candidate Ben Carson, who political journalists keep telling you is so brilliant, he doesn't know what the debt…

9 years ago

Tick Tock: With Only 8 Days To Go, Treasury Begs Congress to Raise Debt Ceiling

Jack Lew, Secretary of the Treasury, penned an editorial in USA Today this morning, urging Congress to do its job…

9 years ago

Obama Smacks Down Extremists By Refusing To Negotiate With Republican Hostage Takers

President Obama is gearing up for a huge showdown with Congressional Republicans promising to veto any bill that raises the…

9 years ago

John Boehner Gives Obama One Last Win Before He Leaves By Pushing Clean Debt Ceiling Bill

Speaker of the House John Boehner has lost to President Obama on every major crisis, so it isn't surprising that…

9 years ago

Mitch McConnell Demands A Ransom That Obama Will Never Agree To In Debt Ceiling Fight

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is demanding Social Security and Medicare cuts in exchange for his vote to raise the…

9 years ago

House Freedom Caucus Document Explains Why the House Is Ungovernable

The recent revelation of a House Freedom Caucus 'questionnaire for prospective candidates for the Speakers' position clears up why Republicans…

9 years ago

Obama Saves America From Republican Failure By Bringing Deficit Below 50 Year Average

The CBO put the deficit for the just ended fiscal year at 2.4% of GDP, below 50-year average.

9 years ago

A Tea Party Fascist Will Be Second In Line To the Presidency By Halloween

The two leading candidates for House speaker are mirror images and both will dutifully follow the Ted Cruz shut-down-the-government agenda

9 years ago

Republican Legislator Confesses That “The Crazies Have Taken Over the Party”

Peter King said Boehner's resignation is "like throwing raw meat to some of these people...they're just going to look for…

9 years ago

It Is Time To Prosecute Republicans For Violating the U.S. Constitution

Republicans not only have no intent in fulfilling their oath of office, they may have no idea what they are…

9 years ago

Ted Cruz Did Democrats a Big Favor Today That May Cost Mitch McConnell His Senate Seat

By forcing Senate Republicans like Mitch McConnell to vote in favor of advancing the debt limit bill, Sen. Ted Cruz…

11 years ago

It Is Absurd To Have Republicans In Congress Who Intend to Do Absolutely Nothing

It is getting absurd to have Republicans serving in Congress when they have no intention of doing the work the…

11 years ago

House Republican Blasts His Own Party, ‘Jesus himself couldn’t be the speaker’

A Republican John Boehner ally tries to justify why the Speaker can't do his job by saying that even Jesus…

11 years ago

Worst Speaker Ever: Republicans Ignore Boehner and Refuse To Pass Clean Debt Limit Hike

A day after John Boehner told them to pass a clean debt ceiling increase, House Republicans ignored him and can't…

11 years ago

In a Private Meeting John Boehner Says Helping The Unemployed Would Be a Bad Thing

In a private meeting, John Boehner explained to his fellow Republicans why they should cave on the debt ceiling. Boehner…

11 years ago

Democrats Gave Paul Ryan an Inch and Now He Is Trying to Take a Mile

Democrats allowed Republicans to behave badly and Ryan just said they will behave very badly and hold the debt limit…

11 years ago

The Reasons Why Ted Cruz Dreams of Economic Armageddon

Ted Cruz wants to default because it will bring about Economic Armageddon and he thinks the President will get blamed…

11 years ago

Meet One of Ted Cruz’s House Cheerleading Squad

Renee Ellmers, was one of the 144 House Republicans who voted to make the economy scream while keeping her paycheck…

11 years ago

Bernie Sanders, ‘Extremists Like Cruz Have Already Done This Country Irreparable Harm.’

Sen. Bernie Sanders is warning that Sen. Ted Cruz has already harmed the country. Sanders said, 'The right wing extremists…

11 years ago

Obama Promises to Veto House Republican Debt Ceiling Bill If It Contains Vitter Amendment

President Obama isn't budging an inch on the ACA, as the White House has threatened to veto any House Republican…

11 years ago

Default and Run: House Republicans May Ignore Senate Debt Ceiling Bill Then Leave Town

It is being reported that House Republicans are considering ignoring the Senate debt ceiling deal, passing their own unpopular debt…

11 years ago

Panic In the GOP: Disapproval of the Republican Party Hits A New Record High of 74%

A new ABC News/Washington Post is putting more pressure on Republicans to surrender. The poll found that disapproval of the…

11 years ago

Senate Republicans Block Harry Reid’s Bill To Raise The Debt Ceiling Through 2014

Even though Senate Republicans blocked the bill, Harry Reid set the bar high today with the vote to extend the…

11 years ago

It Takes Just 10 Sentences For Obama to Obliterate Republicans on the Debt Ceiling

The Republican argument for not raising the debt ceiling is so weak that President Obama destroyed it in 10 sentences…

11 years ago

Republicans Have Made America Into a Global Laughingstock With Their Government Shutdown

It is a sad commentary indeed that a group of anti-government terrorists have, in two years brought shame on a…

11 years ago

House Republicans Are Deciding Whether They Should Totally Cave to Obama Now or Later

A senior House Republican has let it leak that Republicans are so desperate to get out of the government shutdown/debt…

11 years ago

Republican Terrorists Have Exposed Themselves as The Traitors They Are

Republicans exposed themselves as the traitors they are because about 70% of the 86,000 civilians employed at 16 U.S. intelligence…

11 years ago

Republicans in Disarray as Democrats Move to Take Away All GOP Leverage on Debt Ceiling

Senate Democrats believe that they can use their leverage in the government shutdown to force House Republicans to solve the…

11 years ago

Republicans are Violating The Constitution Because They Fear the Black President

The idea of a president having to negotiate with Congress before they do their Constitutional duty of paying the debt…

11 years ago

It Looks Like The Republican Debt Ceiling Demands Came Straight From The Koch Brothers

The GOP's debt ceiling demands are a composite Ryan budget, Koch policy meeting demands,"and ALEC social policy reform package all…

11 years ago

Stuff Rich People Say: Austerity Admissions and Banker Bonuses

Rich people should talk more openly, more often. It would make a progressive agenda a whole lot more achievable.

11 years ago

Republican Traitors Call for a Government Shutdown Even If Obamacare Isn’t Defunded

Over half of Republican voters and Koch-patriots are clamoring for a government shutdown if Republicans fail to kill the ACA.

11 years ago

Rabid Dog Ted Cruz Urges The GOP to Defund the Military in Order to Stop Obamacare

The depth of Republican madness was revealed when Sen. Ted Cruz suggested shutting down the military if President Obama and…

11 years ago

Osama Bin Boehner and the Republican Party Are The Real Terror Threat To America

It is safe to say most Americans expect Islamic extremists to launch terror attacks against innocent American citizens, but it…

11 years ago

Obamacare Lies Dealt a Death Blow By Study that Finds Full Time Job Growth Expected

Instead of killing jobs, employers expect to increase the number of full-time employees by nearly 2% over the next year…

11 years ago

Stupid Linings Playbook: Boehner & Ryan Cook Up A Plan That Hands Dems the 2014 Election

John Boehner and Paul Ryan have cooked up a debt ceiling plan that is so unpopular that it hands the…

12 years ago

John Boehner: The Corporate Dummy Who Mouths The Message Of His Masters

John Boehner is nothing more than a dummy mouthing the message of his corporate ventriloquist.

12 years ago

Don’t Be Fooled By Eric Cantor’s Desperate and Bogus Offer to Raise the Debt Ceiling

Eric Cantor is trying to fool the American people by dressing up another demand for spending cuts as an offer…

12 years ago

Republican Myth Busted: Reagan Raised the Debt Ceiling 3 Times More than Obama

President Reagan raised the debt ceiling the more times than any other President since 1960. He raised it 18 times.…

12 years ago

Obama, ‘Republicans Will Not Collect a Ransom in Exchange for Not Crashing the Economy.’

President Obama delivered a strong message to House Republicans today. Obama said, 'Republicans will not collect a ransom in exchange…

12 years ago

John Boehner is Counting on Liberals to Stab Obama in the Back

John Boehner has revealed his strategy for winning the next round of fiscal negotiations, and it involves liberals caving and…

12 years ago

Obama is Already Two Steps Ahead of Republicans on the Debt Ceiling

By using the fiscal cliff as the first stage of his political strategy, President Obama is already two steps ahead…

12 years ago

As Fiscal Cliff Approaches Republicans Try to Kill 2 Million Jobs

With fiscal cliff in sight, Republicans will not accept anything less than austerity measures that guarantee to kill 2 million…

12 years ago

Thanks to Republicans America Has the Second Highest Child Poverty Rate

Paul Ryan, John Boehner, and Willard Romney have almost reached their coveted goal of having the highest child poverty rate…

13 years ago

Republicans Cement Their Reputation as Enemies of the American People

It is glaringly obvious Republicans are intent on cementing their reputation as enemies of the American people, but especially the…

13 years ago