After Firing Keith Olbermann Current Loses 100,000+ Viewers
Apparently with Keith Olbermann was fired he took most of the viewers with him as Current TV’s ratings for 8 PM have dropped by more than 66% without Countdown.
Apparently with Keith Olbermann was fired he took most of the viewers with him as Current TV’s ratings for 8 PM have dropped by more than 66% without Countdown.
With the NBC/Comcast merger on the horizon and reports about the infighting at MSNBC surrounding Keith Olbermann becoming more numerous there is real danger lurking on the horizon for Keith Olbermann at MSNBC. If Olbermann fans thought their job was done after the Countdown host returned from suspension last week, they best get prepared because the battle has just begun.
Keith Olbermann returned from the world’s shortest indefinite suspension tonight, and he delivered a very professional and classy apology on Countdown. Olbermann said, “I owe you three apologies. Foremost for having subjected you to this drama. Another by having not known by observation since it is not in the contract for not making political donations although any rule like that probably isn’t legal.”
Tonight on MSNBC’s Countdown Keith Olbermann took a unique angle to discussing Stephen Colbert’s congressional testimony today, by actually discussing the poignant message behind all the jokes. Olbermann called Colbert’s testimony, “Along with being funny, he was also serious, even eloquent when testifying about the plight of America’s migrant farm workers.”
During his Worst Persons segment on his MSNBC show Countdown host Keith Olbermann saved some special scorn for Sarah Palin and her gaffe riddled speech at Stanislaus. Olbermann pointed out that Palin managed to get Ronald Reagan’s home state wrong, and added, “None is more symbolic as her corner-cutting, her downright endorsement of stupidity.”
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck went on a personal rant about Keith Olbermann after the MSNBC host vocally criticized Tea Party candidate Rick Barber’s Armies Unite ad, last night on Countdown. Beck said to Olbermann, “You two faced no talent, soon to be washed up, alcoholic, throw yourself off a ledge of a building because you’re that kind of a guy.”
Keith Olbermann used his quick comment on his MSNBC program Countdown tonight to answer a video put out by the Dallas Tea Party in response to his questioning of the diversity of the Tea Party movement. Olbermann pointed out that in the entire Dallas Tea Party organization there appears to be nine minorities. I guess in today’s conservative movement any group with nine non whites is considered diverse.
On his pre-SOTU Countdown tonight, host Keith Olbermann urged President Obama to seize the hatred of his enemies on the right. Olbermann said Obama should follow the template of FDR and, “welcome their hatred.” Olbermann is becoming very Darth Vaderish.
On his MSNBC show Countdown, host Keith Olbermann reminded the teabaggers, who just now seem to have figured out what the name means, where the term teabagger came from. Hint: it wasn’t Maddow or Olbermann but the teabaggers themselves who coined the term.
Tonight on his MSNBC program Countdown, host Keith Olbermann directed one of his quick comments towards Republican Massachusetts Senate candidate Scott Brown. He said, “In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against women…”
Both US cable news and broadcast news networks are scrambling to cover the unexpected death of Michael Jackson. On cable both Fox News and MSNBC are bumping their regular programming to cover the story, while NBC, CBS, and ABC will each be airing prime time specials about the death of the pop legend.
On his MSNBC program Countdown host Keith Olbermann laid the responsibility for the murder of Dr. George Tiller at the feet of Bill O’Reilly and Fox News. Olbermann said that Fox News incites murder and terrorism, and must be stopped.
Some conservatives are upset because PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley, told Harry Reid to put down the crack pipe and acknowledge that Democrats in Congress work for Barack Obama. Smiley added that, “We all work for Barack Obama.” This little comment has brought out the media bias conspiracy again.
Here is the video: