CNN Trump town hall

Viewers Fled CNN After Trump Town Hall And Aren’t Coming Back

Viewers Fled CNN After Trump Town Hall And Aren’t Coming Back

CNN's play to attract conservative viewers by hosting a Donald Trump town hall backfired, and the network's viewership numbers have…

2 years ago

CNN Trump Town Hall Flops With Ratings Lower Than 2016

The ratings are in for CNN's Trump town hall, and the special only drew the audience for an average Tucker…

2 years ago

Even CNN’s Own Employees Think The Network Did Not Serve America Well With Trump Town Hall

CNN executives are trying to spin the Trump town hall by saying that it served America well, but there are…

2 years ago

CNN Sold Out And Agreed To Fill Trump Town Hall With GOP Voters

One of the conditions that CNN gave to Trump when they offered him a town hall was that the crowd…

2 years ago

CNN Tried To Humanize Donald Trump With Town Hall And It Was A Total Disaster

CNN did their best to try to humanize Donald Trump with a New York town hall, but the result was…

9 years ago