
The Second Amendment Didn’t Fall From Heaven Into The U.S. Constitution

The Second Amendment Didn’t Fall From Heaven Into The U.S. Constitution

Reading the Second Amendment on its face value and in its historical context or original intent, it is clear that…

7 years ago

Vice President Mike Pence Wants the Bible Taught As Science

The evangelical fundamentalists, all 13.2 percent of them, are appealing to vice president-elect Pence by petition and demanding that he,…

8 years ago

Trump Helped Fracture The Religious Right – Not Break It

The fault lines among evangelicals that the election of 2016 has exposed are likely to reshape national politics for years…

8 years ago

Oklahoma Republican Calls For “Final Solution” To Muslims Because “Islam Is Not a Religion”

"We have no long term alternative but to quarantine them… prohibiting them from residing anywhere within the civilized nations of…

9 years ago

80 Religious Leaders To SCOTUS And Evangelicals: ‘Butt Out’ of Women’s Reproductive Health

These leaders came together to “guide their congregations’ prayers toward protecting a woman’s right to access an abortion.”

9 years ago

Kansas Secretary of State Fires State Employee For Not Attending Church

A former Kansas state employee has filed a federal wrongful termination lawsuit targeting Kansas' Secretary of State and assistant secretary…

9 years ago

Christians Are Evangelicals’ New Enemy In Marriage Equality War 

It is a sad fact of life that there are some human beings who cannot exist without expressing animosity, or…

10 years ago

With Nothing To Run On Republicans Blow Religious Dog Whistles

Republicans are big on dog whistle politics, particularly going into a midterm election where they have no apparent agenda to…

10 years ago

Airman Ordered to Swear a Religious Oath or Get Out of the Air Force

The United States Air Force, itself sworn to "support and defend the Constitution," cannot abide by, support, or defend either…

10 years ago

Right-Wing Christians Take It To a New Low By Handing Out Guns In Churches

The notion of so-called Christians exposing themselves as the anti-Christs they really are is being played out in the drive…

11 years ago

Creationists Respond to Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos With Moronic Babble

Although fundamentalist Christians have no dearth of so-called tormentors, for the past eleven weeks their greatest enemy has been science…

11 years ago

Creationist Battle With Neil deGrasse Tyson of Cosmos Is Humiliating For America

The ongoing, and one-sided, battle between creationist Ken Ham of "Answers in Genesis" notoriety and highly-regarded astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson…

11 years ago

The Supreme Court Joins The Right Wing Attempt to Replace the Constitution With the Bible

The Supreme Court is likely not done facilitating theocratic tyranny or disabusing the people from their 1st and 14th Amendment…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin Disgraces History With Claim Adams and Jefferson Support Her War on Christmas

Sarah Palin's contention that Founding Fathers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would join her in the war against the imagined…

11 years ago

Fundamentalist Christians Play by a Different Set of Rules that Defy the Tenets of Their Religion

Unlike football, one group of Christians is playing by a different set of rules that defy the tenets of the…

12 years ago

Religious Extremism Breeds Violence and Extremism

I don't mind paying their taxes as many of the religious organization need the tax break to spread the word…

12 years ago

Did A White Supremacist Shoot Sikhs in Wisconsin Because of Atheists?

According to Pat Robertson, god led Wade Michael Page to the Sikh temple and killed the church-goer because atheists hate…

13 years ago

Chick-Fil-A Gets Fileted

Things have gotten so bad for Chick-fil-A and the right that Republicans are calling upon their conservative LGBTQ members in…

13 years ago

The Republican Way: Regulating Morality While Deregulating Corporations

While they work night and day to deregulate corporate America, Republicans and teabaggers want to regulate morality and pass laws…

14 years ago

Anti American Christian Traitors Pose a Danger to Us All

Conservative groups have said for years that America is a Christian nation, and that the founders addressed the issue in…

14 years ago