Opinion: Trump Gives Churches Free Rein To Campaign For Profit
Greedy evangelicals expected much more in remuneration for their electoral support for Trump’s candidacy than freedom to violate IRS rules with impunity.
Greedy evangelicals expected much more in remuneration for their electoral support for Trump’s candidacy than freedom to violate IRS rules with impunity.
Jefferson stating separation of church and state is contained within the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment is “unhistorical” according to Sessions.
The evangelical fundamentalists, all 13.2 percent of them, are appealing to vice president-elect Pence by petition and demanding that he, as head of domestic policy, inform president-elect Trump that it is crucial to immediately issue an executive order in”definitely banning” the teaching of evolution as science.
The fault lines among evangelicals that the election of 2016 has exposed are likely to reshape national politics for years to come.