Marching Backwards: Voters In Missouri Decide To Strip Civil Rights From LGBT Residents
Springfield voters repealed a non-discrimination ordinance on Tuesday, but the vote was very close in the Bible Belt community.
Springfield voters repealed a non-discrimination ordinance on Tuesday, but the vote was very close in the Bible Belt community.
Shortly after Indiana Governor Pence signed an anti-gay bill into law, corporations lined up to boycott the state in response.
On Thursday, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed legislation legalizing discrimination based on the religious right’s “free exercise” of their bigoted beliefs that Republicans in Indiana contend are the law of the land.
Ohio Governor John Kasich made that “religious extremist duty” mandatory in Ohio. Kasich issued a statement through a spokesman informing Ohio schools that if they fail to align with Christian organizations, they will lose funding.
The organizers behind Pulpit Freedom Sunday do not even contend they are prohibited from preaching religion, they complain they cannot preach Republican politics and are seeking redress through the courts to use taxpayer dollars to campaign for Republicans.
The notion of so-called Christians exposing themselves as the anti-Christs they really are is being played out in the drive to put more guns in the hands of more Americans, especially conservative Christian Americans; it is no surprise it is being advanced by right-wing Christian churches.
Political pundits are wont to claim Republicans obstruct governance and oppose policies and agendas that benefit the entire nation because they are clueless and lack issues, policies, and agendas, but that is not the case.