Chris Stevens

From One Republican Committee to Another; Your Charges Are A CROCK!

From One Republican Committee to Another; Your Charges Are A CROCK!

The report was declassified August 7, but not released in total until a couple of days ago, allegedly to give…

10 years ago

With Midterms Two Months Away, Fox News Catches Benghazi Fever Again And Ramps Up The Crazy

With the 2014 midterm elections fast approaching and Republicans hoping to take over the Senate this November, Fox News has…

10 years ago

You’ve Got To Be Kidding! Republicans Claim Benghazi Suspect Capture Is A Distraction

The way Republicans and conservative media reacted to this good news, which also provided proof that the President is adhering…

11 years ago

Tea Party Nut Allen West Says Obama Is Using Boko Haram To Distract Us All From Benghazi

Former one-term Republican Congressman, and current Fox News analyst, Allen West took to his personal blog to write about the…

11 years ago

Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama

Darrell Issa who has had the same information the New York Times reported for over a year and sat on…

11 years ago

The GOP’s Benghazi Hoax Exposed

The Republican Party refuses to let go of their manufactured Benghazi scandal narrative. We saw just the other day that…

11 years ago

Sociopathic Mitt Romney Smiles During and After Presser on Embassy Tragedies

Mitt Romney could barely contain his glee while discussing the murders of four Americans including the US Ambassador to Libya.…

12 years ago