Charter school

Bible, Not Gays, is All the Diversity School Needs, Say Parents

Bible, Not Gays, is All the Diversity School Needs, Say Parents

Wielding crosses like pitchforks, parents at a public school in North Carolina want a gay club out of their school…

9 years ago

President Obama Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results?

If there is one thing Republicans and the Obama Administration love more than pandering to Wall Street, it is the…

10 years ago

More Shame – Over Half Of Public School Students Live In Poverty

Instead of any real measures or support to address the crushing income disparity between the 1% and the rest of…

10 years ago

Inconvenient Truth: America’s Public Schools Are Among Highest Achieving In The World

If, as privatization "reformers" in Republican, corporate, and Obama Education Department claim that America's public schools are dire failures, then…

10 years ago

ALEC And Jeb Bush Are Conspiring To Kill Off Public Schools For Good

The most power-mad of the power-mad, the American Legislative Exchange Council, relies on easily compromised spear-carriers to dominate state legislatures…

11 years ago

In A Victory for Public Education Judge Says NC School Vouchers Are Unconstitutional

The judge, Superior Court Judge Robert Hobgood, identified the Republican legislation, "Opportunity Scholarship Program," as a scam to "siphon money…

11 years ago

Right-Wing Billionaires To Use California Ruling to Nationally Crush Teachers’ Unions

e group of Silicon Valley billionaires is now preparing to file the exact same lawsuit, likely using nine different students'…

11 years ago

Republicans Propose New Privatization Scheme That Would Destroy Public Schools

Many Americans missed a Republican proposal to destroy the public school system because they were awaiting President Obama's State of…

11 years ago

Southern Republicans Are Using Charter Schools To Inject Religion Into Public Schools

There is a concerted effort in primarily southern Republican-controlled states to use sketchy and horribly underperforming charter schools to inject…

11 years ago

ALEC Continues to Push Failed Market-Based Educational Reforms

Market-based educational reform is an utter failure, and yet we still can't shake the nasty remnants of its bad policy…

12 years ago

Republican Grifters Rob Oregonians Blind With Charter School Scam

Two Republicans have scammed the state of Oregon out of $17 million in a charter school scam.

12 years ago

Republicans Turn Charter School Officials Into the New Robber Barons

School privatization is the new Gold Rush. There is money to be made in them there hills. And charter schools…

12 years ago

Thanks to the ACLU, No More Expulsions for Pregnant Students at Louisiana School

This is a story about how little law makers and school officials know about the constitution and it's application to…

13 years ago