Center for American Progress

Paul Ryan Calls Trumpcare’s Upton Amendment “Momentum,” But Really, it’s Murder

Paul Ryan Calls Trumpcare’s Upton Amendment “Momentum,” But Really, it’s Murder

"There's one sentence every American needs to know: Trumpcare eliminates pre-existing condition protections."

8 years ago

Don’t Be Fooled – Clinton Is Well-Versed in Dealing with Wall Street and Banks

"In 2007 I was alarmed and called for addressing risks of derivatives, cracking down on subprime mortgages and improving financial…

9 years ago

Stop Attacking President Obama For Not Being A Progressive “Purist”

It is troublesome, even for a progressive secular humanist, to see Democrats resort to a Republican ploy of measuring other…

9 years ago

Republicans Give the Kochs and Big Oil Billions Annually To Export Domestic Oil

Republicans are inserting a rider in the omnibus spending bill eliminating the ban on oil exports developed to protect American…

9 years ago

Cliven Bundy Republicans Campaign To Seize and Sell Off Federal Land

Now, there is a serious movement among Republicans who embrace Bundy's claim the federal government is forbidden from owning land…

10 years ago

President Obama Shows Republicans What Real Family Values Are All About

President Obama fired up the crowd today at the Working Families Summit in DC to advocate support and flexibility for…

11 years ago

The Professional Left Is Handing Republicans Precisely What They Want

The professional left is really not different than the right in that they forget their past missteps and repeat them…

12 years ago

As Usual EmoProgs Overreact because they Don’t Understand Negotiating and Governing

There has been no dearth of outrage from EmoProgs who are furious with the president for his third fiscal cliff…

12 years ago