
Ex-Reagan Official Says Trump Deserves To Lose – Will Vote For Clinton

Ex-Reagan Official Says Trump Deserves To Lose – Will Vote For Clinton

"It is thunderingly clear that Donald Trump deserves to lose. I will vote for the Democratic nominee for president."

8 years ago

It’s Not War Crimes, But Bush Officials Can Be Sued For Post 9/11 Violations

According to a recent ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, Bush administration officials did take part in "grave…

10 years ago

Koch-Funded Professor Publicly Calls For Less Democracy

A university professor heavily funded by the Koch brothers has very publicly and openly called for less democracy to reduce…

10 years ago

CIA Torture Program Was Brutal And Ineffective

The Senate Intelligence Committee's executive summary reveals that the CIA torture program was both brutal and ineffective.

10 years ago

Republicans Celebrate Veterans Day By Dishonoring Veterans In Word And Deed

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10 years ago

Obama’s Smart Syria Decision Has Fractured The Republican Party

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11 years ago

Republican Logic: Intel Is Only Fact When Obama Is President

In order to justify his lack of apology over Iraq, Rumsfeld quoted Napoleon and then claimed that Bush didn't really…

12 years ago

Obama’s Use of Drones is Not Analogous to Bush’s Torture Program

The comparison to Bush's torture program is categorically false - not only from a legal standpoint on the use of…

12 years ago

Weekend Football Scrimmage in Ohio Leaves Obama Over Romney 1-0

Mitt Romney celebrated the college football season with lies about the economy and job creation and Obama told Ohioans to…

12 years ago

Romney Takes War Criminal Cheney’s Money but Won’t Be Photographed with Him

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13 years ago

The Right Claims Obama Has More War on Terror Hubris Than Flight Suit Wearing Bush

The claims Obama is a war on terror egomaniac, but how could Obama out-display hubris of a flight-suit wearing Dubya…

13 years ago