Bob Woodward

Opinion: Can Progressives Harness “White Rage” to Defeat Trump?

Opinion: Can Progressives Harness “White Rage” to Defeat Trump?

Rage has, no doubt, been a powerful political force in U.S. history. Dr. Carolyn Anderson demonstrates this fact most fully…

4 years ago

Bob Woodward Says Trump Is “Putting a Dagger in the Constitution”

Veteran journalist Bob Woodward has continued to speak out against Donald Trump since conducting interviews with the President for his…

4 years ago

Trump Uses Twitter to Advertise for Lou Dobbs, Says He’s “Smarter and Sharper” Than Bob Woodward

President Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to advertise the latest book from Fox Business personality Lou Dobbs. Dobbs's…

4 years ago

Bob Woodward: Trump’s Presidency Is a “Staggering, Monumental Tragedy Across the Board”

Bob Woodward has spoken candidly about his interview with Donald Trump and his view of how the President has handled…

4 years ago

Trump Says He Read Bob Woodward’s 466-Page Book in One Night

Donald Trump has claimed he read Bob Woodward's new book about him in just one night. The veteran journalist's book, Rage, has…

4 years ago

Meghan McCain: To Conservatives, the Media is the Enemy and Here to Make you Look Bad

Meghan McCain's role on The View is not exactly a simple one. She is tasked with giving a Conservative take…

4 years ago

Trump Attempts to Deflect Scandal and Attacks Bob Woodward’s Credibility in Early Morning Tweet

President Donald Trump attempted to deflect scandal and attacked journalist Bob Woodward's credibility in an early morning tweet. The president's…

4 years ago

Another Woodward Revelation: No One Likes Jared Kushner

Donald Trump looks at Jared Kushner and sees a kindred spirit. That is one of the few explanations as to…

4 years ago

WATCH: Claire McCaskill Explains Why Trump is too Stupid to be President

There's is a pretty good reason why Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein are famous. The Washington Post duo were responsible…

4 years ago

Trump Knew Coronavirus Was Deadly In February And Did Nothing

Author Bob Woodward has Trump on tape admitting the deadliness of COVID-19 while he was doing nothing and downplaying the…

4 years ago

Bob Woodward’s New Book Has Become Trump and The GOP’s Worst Nightmare

Bob Woodward's new book "Fear" has become Trump and the Republican Party's worst nightmare by selling faster than any book…

6 years ago

Rachel Maddow And Bob Woodward Expose The Fatal Flaw That Dooms Trump To Failure

Rachel Maddow and Bob Woodward discussed Trump's fatal flaw of being closed minded to new information and refusing to accept…

6 years ago

Trump Blows A Gasket After Getting Destroyed By Bob Woodward On Live Television

Bob Woodward took apart Trump and called the president at war with the truth and detached from what is going…

6 years ago

Trump and Woodward Feud Escalates on Eve of Book Release

One day before the release of a blockbuster book there has been an escalation in the war of words between…

6 years ago

Trump Furious at White House Staff; Wants Hope Hicks Back

New reports out of the White House say that President Donald Trump is extremely angry about Bob Woodward’s book, and…

6 years ago

Trump Didn’t Understand Why S. Korea Is A US Ally A Year Into His Presidency

Trump wouldn't understand why the US couldn't abandon important ally South Korea a year into his presidency.

7 years ago

Bernstein Says John Kelly Should Resign and Be Ready to Testify

Carl Bernstein on Tuesday said that White House chief of staff John Kelly should resign from his position and be…

7 years ago

The Tea Party’s ‘My Way or the Highway’ Candidate Strategy is Pure Old School

In the current political climate, the only compromising from the Tea Party is the highly transparent dive to the middle…

11 years ago

Bob Woodward Says Republicans Are Using Extortion and Blackmail to Defund Obamacare

In a rare lucid moment, Bob Woodward has accused the Republican Party of trying to blackmail and extort Obama into…

11 years ago

Bob Woodward Comes Out of the Right Wing Closet by Praising Sean Hannity’s Journalism Skills

Bob Woodward outed himself as a right wing shill by going on Sean Hannity's show and praising Hannity for "digging…

12 years ago

Rush Limbaugh Thinks Obama Is Going To Kill Bob Woodward With a Death Panel

Never one to let facts or reality get in the way, Rush Limbaugh is claiming that Obama is going to…

12 years ago

Worst Speaker Ever: John Boehner Uses Pathetic Twitter Campaign to Blame Obama for Sequester

Speaker John Boehner is pushing the hashtag "#obamaquester" in hopes of forcing the President to carry the weight of the…

12 years ago