Paul Ryan Tries To Use Baltimore Riots As An Excuse To Take Food Away From Poor People
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is trying to use the Baltimore riots as an excuse to take away food and housing from poor adults and children.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is trying to use the Baltimore riots as an excuse to take away food and housing from poor adults and children.
Democrats tied the civil unrest around the country and in Baltimore directly to policy made in D.C., as they unraveled the cuts to Great Society programs in the 2016 GOP budget conference report during a conference call with reporters Friday.
Donald Trump took his racism to a new low by blaming President Obama for the violence and riots in Baltimore.
Rand Paul’s (R-KY) public relations tour is meant, in part, to assuage the narrative that he’s a racist. This narrative is based on things like Paul being against Civil Rights and his knowingly hiring a secessionist who cheered the assassination of President Lincoln. So he found himself joking on the radio Tuesday morning that his train went through Baltimore and he’s glad it didn’t stop.
It didn’t take long for members of the mainstream media, notably CNN, to incorrectly claim that the Baltimore riots represent a new race problem for President Obama.