Bill O’Reilly Says ‘War on Christmas’ Has Been Won But ‘Insurgents Remain’
O’Reilly says, “Don’t like Christmas? Ignore it.” Right. Like Evangelicals ignore the things they don’t like.
O’Reilly says, “Don’t like Christmas? Ignore it.” Right. Like Evangelicals ignore the things they don’t like.
“107 people have died under suspicious circumstances in and around the orbit of the Clintons,” and “it is hard to believe that that is just coincidental.”
Trump wants to close mosques in order to fight the Islamic State, despite the First Amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion
Ted Cruz picked up the endorsement of notorious bigot Sandy Rios, wowed the haters at a Texas megachurch, and won the Tea Party caucus in NC
Angie’s List is the latest to stand up in opposition to Indiana’s discriminatory RFRA, and this one could cost Indiana 1,000 jobs
Donald Trump can’t figure out why Jews support Obama. That is because there is no room for Jews in conservative “Murica.”
Fischer said, “the chances were very good…there was a demonic presence…inside Michael Brown” I don’t think so. I think we all know what the problem is
Get breeding ladies. There’s lots of great catches like Fischer and Deace lining up to drive your womb like a clown car.
Buster Wilson complains that if he believes what he says the Bible says about homosexuality, he is a hate monger
Buster Wilson lets go of his meat long enough to claim Obama thinks he’s crazy and wants to lock him up.
Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp told AFA Director of Issues Analysis Bryan Fischer that he saw no real need for disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy victims.
The endless chorus from the Religious Right that all that plagues our society is the result of divine wrath has grown tiresome…and then some.
Fischer strikes out monumentally when he claims Jesus was a capitalist’s capitalist with capitalism in his DNA: read the Gospels, Bryan!
The AFA says people died because we’ve lost our fear of God; more accurately, they died because we insist on misreading the Second Amendment
The AFA’s Buster Wilson said a Google boycott would put his meat to the test but it was MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell who really tested his meat
After underwhelming Houston, Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, The Response is bringing its brand of extremist Christianity to Kansas City just before Election Day
As Americans await the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act, we should keep in mind a warning from George Washington about the threat of obstructionist minorities.
Every time Bryan Fischer sits down to blog a homophobic rant, he ought to give thanks for Alan Turing, the gay genius who gave us computers
Apparently, President Obama has ripped away from imaginary protective layer over the White House for which surface-to-air missiles are no substitute
You have to wonder the degree to which conservatives are even aware any more of reality as they indulge in increasingly twisted fantasies
After failing to terrorize JC Penney into submission, One Million Moms threatens to do the same to GAP for showing two men in one t-shirt
After putting words in George Washington’s mouth, Bryan FIscher produces bullshit from his and claims “the Ten Commandments of secular Sharia law” is taking over the land
Anti-choice advocates in Mississippi have begun to advance so-called Personhood Amendments to attack birth-control, abortion, cloning, and stem-cell research.
Republican hate-mongers misuse research in the same way their climate deniers misuse research, making legitimate research say something it never said.