Adam Schiff Just Obliterated Kevin McCarthy
Rep. Adam Schiff was asked if he will be removed from his committee assignments, and he responded by calling Kevin McCarthy weak.
Rep. Adam Schiff was asked if he will be removed from his committee assignments, and he responded by calling Kevin McCarthy weak.
1/6 Committee member, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has called for a federal criminal investigation into Trump.
Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf suggested that Donald Trump might illegally send federal law enforcement to Portland.
Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, said that Trump’s firing of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt was close to criminal.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) responded to getting blown out in the South Carolina primary by ranting about “corporate Democrats” on Sunday.
When asked about Trump’s tweets, Pelosi said that they are projections of his own behavior, so when he calls her crazy, he is crazy.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that the US isn’t doing enough to protect elections and wondered aloud about Mitch McConnell being Trump’s Russia accomplice.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) took Rudy Giuliani’s Watergate comparison and turned it around to make the point that what Trump has potentially done is bigger and worse than Watergate.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) managed to outdo himself after his late-night tax cut for the rich by refusing to say that Roy Moore should not be in the Senate.
When ABC’s George Stephanopoulos called out the Trump White House for lying about the Russia scandal, even perpetual Trump lie machine Kellyanne Conway broke down and began to make no sense while stumbling over her words and talking about Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Benghazi.
Trump’s HHS Secretary Tom Price fell apart when he was asked a very simple question on ABC’s This Week. Price was asked are you going to sabotage the health care system or fix it, and all he could do was criticize Obamacare.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) confirmed during an interview on ABC’s This Week that there is evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and that the President obstructed justice.
Former US Attorney Preet Bharara told ABC’s This Week that he believes that there is enough evidence to begin an investigation of President Donald Trump for obstruction of justice in relation to the firing of James Comey.
A very worried sounding Sen. Tom Cotton warned that Republicans could lose the House if they voted for Trumpcare during an interview on ABC’s This Week.
Paul Krugman dismantled 35 years of failed Republican economic policy in two minutes during a debate with Grover Norquist.
The mainstream finally stepped up today,and on separate Sunday shows, challenged the lies and talking points of Republicans Paul Ryan and John McCain.