Logan Evers

Don’t Argue With Racist, Stupid TeapubliCONS; You’ll Live Longer

Don’t Argue With Racist, Stupid TeapubliCONS; You’ll Live Longer

Don't argue with the stupid, pea-brained, knuckle-dragging Teapublicons in your lives. If you value your sanity, leave these short-school-bus riding…

12 years ago

Jodie Laubenberg: Custodian of Zygotes and Shallow Hypocrite For The Ages

Republicans aren't really pro-life; they are flagrantly and reprehensibly pro birth; only pro-birth and nothing more. Just pop the kid…

12 years ago

Of Science and Alchemy: The GOP’s Love of Precious Metals

It appears that while Republican electeds don't know much about science---and frankly couldn't be bothered to remotely engage science---they seem…

12 years ago

How To Capture Wal*Mart in 140 Characters Or Less…

"At Tallmart, we love our employees. We provide the # to welfare, housing and Medicaid offices. And local soup kitchens.…

12 years ago

Seriously, Libertarians…WTF?

Despite their self-positioning on the political landscape and despite their claims of impartiality and independence, what Libertarians really are is…

12 years ago

The Gathering Danger of Marco (Polo!) Rubio

Marco Rubio is clearly picking up the mantle of the "NEW" Republican't Party by putting a new, watery-smooth face on…

12 years ago