Armed Man Tries To Breach FBI Office After Trump Claims He Was Attacked

It took less than 24 hours for an armed man to try to attack an FBI office after Donald Trump called the search of his Florida club a surprise attack.

The FBI Cincinnati office tweeted:

The attempted attack on law enforcement came after Trump used inflammatory language and described the raid on his private club as a surprise attack. 

The lesson that Trump and his supporters took from the 1/6 attack is that violence against the government is an acceptable response when things don’t go your way.

There is now an established pattern. When Trump is held accountable at the ballot box or legally for his actions, his response and that of Republicans who support him is to use rhetoric that could incite violence. Trump’s supporters hear the rhetoric and take action, like going to an FBI office armed.

Trump, Fox News, and his Republican enablers are trying to get their own way by inciting more violence.

The attack on 1/6 was an act of domestic terror, and Trump is trying to inspire other terrorists to attack the FBI.

Jason Easley
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