Barry Loudermilk blames Democrats for his Capitol tours

Rep. Barry Loudermilk Led 1/5 Capitol Tours Now He Wants To Investigate The 1/6 Committee

Rep. Barry Loudermilk led the suspicious 1/5 tours of the Capitol, and now he wants to lead an investigation of the 1/6 Committee.

Politico reported:

Loudermilk told POLITICO that he is interested in chairing the House Administration Committee in a future GOP majority, using it to dig into the Jan. 6 panel and Capitol security. That chairmanship is wide open and Loudermilk is the most senior Republican on the committee after Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis, who lost his primary last month.

In a brief interview, Loudermilk dinged the select committee as giving Capitol security a short shrift in service of “some narrative of pushing blame somewhere.” He added that members of the administration committee, which has jurisdiction over the Capitol complex, “also need to look at things like the false allegations they’ve made against people … because when you make false allegations, that’s in violation of the House rules.”

The guy who has been credibily accused with video evidence of giving Capitol tours the day before the 1/6 attack to people who were later involved in the breach of the Captiol wants to lead the House investigation into the 1/6 Committee if Republicans take back the majority.

Loudermilk leading the investigation is the equivilent of a criminal investigating the police and district attorney who prosecuted him.

Republicans are determined to get revenge on the 1/6 Committee for daring to investigate the attempt to overthrow the government in 2020.
Documents revealed that the Proud Boys targeted three of buildings that Rep. Loudermilk gave tours of.
Loudermilk should be the target of an investigation, not the investigator.

Jason Easley
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