The official said that includes “adjustments and augmentation of NATO force posture in allied countries” as well as “additional assistance to Ukraine to enable it to further defend itself and its territory.“
Putin detests NATO and the thought of strengthening NATO in countries that used to form the Soviet Eastern Bloc, such as the eastern areas of Germany, Poland, and the Slavic nations must make Putin physically ill. (It was also always “strange” that Trump seemed to dislike NATO as well, was it not? John Bolton predicted that Trump would pull the U.S. out of NATO in a second term, a Putin dream, and something that should very much be considered when thinking about possible Russian incursion into the MAGA movement).
Both countries promised follow-up meetings among deputies and more conversations throughout January, which gives the world an indication as to just how imminent a possible invasion might be. Putin may see Biden’s threats as primarily paper threats, or he may know they are serious. It is impossible to tell.
What is known is that Putin wants to make the world safe for populist Right-Wing dictators and their corruption (Russia’s primary export). Nothing threatens Putin’s agenda more than a large, culturally similar nation right on Russia’s doorstep functioning as a young, prosperous democracy.
Very few Americans appreciate the danger that lies ahead in just the next month. The fact that President Biden spent a great deal of time on the phone with Putin on December 30th demonstrates that the President is most certainly does understand. No doubt, Putin misses Trump.