Gaetz Milley

Soon To Be Indicted Child Sex Trafficker Matt Gaetz Demands Gen. Milley Resign

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is preparing to face criminal charges on child sex trafficking, but as waits to be indicted, Gaetz called on Gen. Milley to resign.


Gaetz said to Gen. Milley, “You said yesterday that you weren’t going to resign when senators asked you this question. I believe that you probably won’t resign. You seem to be very happy sailing up over there. If we didn’t have a president that was so addled, you all would be fired. That you deserve. You’ve let down people who wear the uniform in my district and all around the country and you are far more interested in what your perception is and how people think about you an insider Washington books and you care about winning.”

Matt Gaetz Is Preparing To Be Criminally Charged With Sex Crimes

The only reason that Gaetz hasn’t been criminally charged yet is that prosecutors have a wide variety of options on the charges against him. Gaetz has hired a team of criminal defense attorneys and is preparing for a criminal trial.

It takes a lot of nerve for a guy who has a good possibility of ending up in a prison cell to call on a decorated general to resign.

The day that Matt Gaetz is criminally indicted will be a good day for the House of Representatives and America.

Jason Easley
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