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Republican Treasury Secretaries Are Trying To Talk Mitch McConnell Out Of Destroying The Economy

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:39 pm

Former Republican Treasury Secretaries have been meeting with Mitch McConnell to convince him that destroying the U.S. economy is a really bad move.

The Washington Post reported:

Two former GOP treasury secretaries held private discussions this month with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) hoping to resolve an impasse over the debt limit that now threatens the global economy, according to four people aware of the conversations.

The previously unreported talks involving the GOP economic grandees — Henry Paulson, who served as treasury secretary under President Bush; and Steven Mnuchin, treasury secretary under President Trump — did not resolve the matter and the U.S. is now racing toward a massive fiscal cliff with no clear resolution at hand.

Democrats Can’t Be Expected To Save Republicans From Themselves

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans haven’t made any demands. They aren’t negotiating. Republicans are terrorists who want to blow up the economy and cause a global recession.

A terrorist who doesn’t make any demands only wants to cause harm and destruction.

Sen. McConnell isn’t going to listen to Republicans. He isn’t going to listen to Democrats. McConnell thinks that if he triggers a default and a recession, Biden and the Democrats will be blamed.

It is the same failed thinking that led McConnell to constantly lose during the Obama years.

McConnell will toy with the default, maybe even let the deadline pass, but when the political blowback hits him, he will cave, but Democrats will not bail him out.

Jason Easley
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