Rudy Giuliani heckled as he tries to criticize Biden

Heckler Calls Rudy Giuliani An Idiot And Tells Him To Go To Jail As He Criticizes Biden

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:38 pm

Rudy Giuliani tried to hold a press conference criticizing Biden on Afghanistan, but he was interrupted by hecklers and a man calling him an idiot.

Video from NBC 4 in New York:

Passers-by gestured that Rudy Giuliani is crazy, and one man in a car shouted, “You’re an idiot. You’re a fascist. You ought to go to f–king  jail.”

Giuliani responded by calling the heckler a very articulate man.

Rudy Giuliani also admitted in the same interview that he drinks, but he is functional but said that he couldn’t remember if he has ever done a media interview while drunk.

Republicans aren’t finding a very welcoming response to their criticisms of Biden on Afghanistan.

The heckler may get his wish, as Rudy Giuliani could soon be in jail thanks to an expansive federal probe into his shady dealings overseas.

The man who was once called America’s Mayor is now being shouting at for being an idiot criminal who belongs in jail.

Rudy Giuliani is such a joke that he can’t even stand outside without being heckled.

Jason Easley
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