Rep. Mo Brooks Issues Statement Of Sympathy For Library Of Congress Domestic Terrorist

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:37 pm

A man who is an anti-government domestic terrorist that wanted Joe Biden to resign and claimed to have a bomb at the Library of Congress got a statement of sympathy from Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL).

Mo Brooks Blamed The Dictatorial Socialism Of Joe Biden For A Guy Threatening To Blow Up The Capitol

The statement from Rep. Brooks is a real piece of work:

Mo Brooks Sides With Domestic Terrorists (Again).

Rep. Brooks is being sued by Rep. Eric Swalwell for his role in inciting the 1/6 attack on the Capitol, so this statement is right in line with his pro-terrorist beliefs.

The motivations of the domestic terrorist are very well known. He broadcast them live on Facebook. The terrorist spewed anti-government rhetoric and demanded that President Biden resign.

The guy also complained that he couldn’t get health insurance, which is an odd claim to make because Representative Brooks thinks that the bomb threat was in response to socialism.

Mo Brooks, like most of the House Republican caucus, sympathizes with domestic terrorists. It wasn’t socialism that caused this likely unstable person to act. It was the election lies of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

Republicans like Brooks are openly supporting domestic terrorism because they think that it will help them in 2022 and 2024.

It doesn’t get more un-American than Mo Brooks offering sympathy to a man who threatened to blow up the Capitol.

Jason Easley
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