No More Mr. Nice Guy As Biden Requires Nursing Home Staff To Be Vaccinated

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:37 pm

President Biden will announce that nursing home staff will be required to be vaccinated in order to receive Medicare and Medicaid funding.

Biden Tried Pleading With People Now He Is Getting Tough On Vaccinations

The AP reported:

Biden will announce the move Wednesday afternoon in a White House address as the administration continues to look for ways to use mandates to encourage vaccine holdouts to get shots. A senior administration official confirmed the announcement on condition of anonymity to preview the news before Biden’s remarks.

The new mandate, in the form of a forthcoming regulation to be issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, could take effect as soon as next month.

Hundreds of thousands of nursing home workers are not vaccinated, according to federal data, despite those facilities bearing the brunt of the early COVID-19 outbreak and their workers being among the first in the country to be eligible for shots.

President Biden’s Strategy Is Working

Vaccination rates have doubled in the past month as fear of the Delta variant combined with mandates for the military to be vaccinated are starting to make a difference.

The President has tried reasoning with people, encouraging the hesitant. His administration has drafted trusted local community members in areas with low vaccination rates to encourage people to get vaccinated, and mostly the needle didn’t move closer to where the nation needs to be.

A mandate requiring nursing home workers to be vaccinated is common sense. These workers and the residents that they care for are some of the most COVID vulnerable members of society.

President Biden is done playing Mr. Nice Guy on vaccinations, as he is looking to use his power to keep Americans safe.

Jason Easley
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